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Age gap, rape victim, impending breakup

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Recovery is an excruciating and deeply deeply personal process. I think maybe your expressions of wanting to help might be too intimidating right now. You have to do it very gently. If she is staring off into space and not connecting to you with it she may have PTSD like I do. I of course am not a medical professional so I can not say. But this is a very very unbelievably painful process that most keep to themselves. I have not even shared a billionth of my pain and recovery with even my own mother or my husband. I plain out do not want to. It is far to painful to me to include them. Just try and be supportive but not overwhelming about it. Do not force.


Btw, I am not trying to negate the pain you are in I am just trying to explain her situation a little so you can have a better understanding.

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I can see that you care very much and I am sure she appreciates that. As I said though you can not heal this for her or even force her to do it. It is not something that is going to be "solved" in any short order. People have to be ready to work on it. Take my own example, the last therapy I had was from 14 to 16, unfortunately I have no memory of it. However I KNOW I need more therapy but I am simply not ready. No one can make me, no one can force me, no one can beg me. I will simply do it when I feel I can emotionally handle it and not before.


Just gently help her if this is something SHE wants to do, not something you are forcing her to do because you want to be together. It is already a HUGE step that she even told you this happened.

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