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Super annoyed to say the least.


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So the girl that shall not be named. Let's just call her Evil. Evil was a very good friend of mine in high school. We hung out a lot at least until my ex boyfriend cheated on me with her. The ex boyfriend had a choice to make and he chose me over her. Evil was very upset by this and even though half of my ex friends sided with her she still felt the need to make my life a living hell. she was very rude to me and made fun of me basically the rest of high school. Now me and the ex and I broke up and he stopped talking to me. He's now great friends with her (I'm a little annoyed that he watched her torture me and watched me cry and still can go and be friends with her, but I guess that the reason he's an ex). Now I am very in love with my boyfriend. I'm the happiest I've ever been and I thought Evil was completely out of my life. I have the self esteem I lost back. I have new friends that I love. I have the best man I have ever met and that I know he would not be capable of cheating on me. Yesterday Evil sent my boyfriend a friends request on Facebook. I just had him send back a "Sorry do I know you?" What does this mean though? We graduated awhile ago why can't Evil leave me alone? All I ever really wanted was her to leave me alone.


Advice anyone and thanks for reading!

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She's probably just doing it to get to you, because she knows you'll react. Don't give anyone that satisfaction. What your boyfriend wrote back is fine. But it sounds like you're still holding on to a lot of bad feelings. Let it go. It's in the past and you don't have to be a victim.

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Cause she is evil!


Clearly she harbours jealousy and resentment for you. Trust in your boyfriend not to make the same mistakes as the last idiot. Some people will go out of their way to destroy those that seem happier than them. Especially if they have had their ego bruised, which she has. You cant let it bother you. Just know you are better than her and keep faith in your new boyfriend and whatever you do, do not rise to her.

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Yeah, let it go. She probably doesn't remember the what she has done to you. Seriously. I went to a school reunion about 10 years after we'd all left. Apart from my best friends who i was in touch with still, the only people i could remember were the ones who were horrible to me. And they were all over me, wanting to buy me a drink and have a chat and catch up - weird. I left early to go clubbing instead

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I'm trying to let go of it. She just makes it very difficult. my game plan is just to tell her he doesnt know who she is because I think it will show her I don't care and I didn't care enough to mention her. I'd just like her to leave me alone. I wouldn't be so upset about it all if she did, but I'm not sure she will ever leave me alone at this rate

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Yeah, let it go. She probably doesn't remember the what she has done to you. Seriously. I went to a school reunion about 10 years after we'd all left. Apart from my best friends who i was in touch with still, the only people i could remember were the ones who were horrible to me. And they were all over me, wanting to buy me a drink and have a chat and catch up - weird. I left early to go clubbing instead

lol she remembers. I know she does. Its been awhile, but unless she has amnesia she still has a grudge against me. She has a grudge against me for not breaking up with my ex at the time and for the friends that stopped talking to her because they saw how she was treating me. I know my boyfriend wouldn't do anything, but Evil is a scary thought.

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I'm trying to let go of it. She just makes it very difficult. my game plan is just to tell her he doesnt know who she is because I think it will show her I don't care and I didn't care enough to mention her. I'd just like her to leave me alone. I wouldn't be so upset about it all if she did, but I'm not sure she will ever leave me alone at this rate


Say nothing to her. By saying anything you only fuel her desire to be noticed.

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lol she remembers. I know she does. Its been awhile, but unless she has amnesia she still has a grudge against me. She has a grudge against me for not breaking up with my ex at the time and for the friends that stopped talking to her because they saw how she was treating me. I know my boyfriend wouldn't do anything, but Evil is a scary thought.

Are you the same person you were? Are you sure she is? Do you really think this asking your bf to be her fb friend is a long (10 year?) drawn out plot to ruin your life?


I guess you've made up your mind here, why don't you just block her from fb and out of your life forever then? Easiest plan!

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Are you the same person you were? Are you sure she is? Do you really think this asking your bf to be her fb friend is a long (10 year?) drawn out plot to ruin your life?


I guess you've made up your mind here, why don't you just block her from fb and out of your life forever then? Easiest plan!


no a different person (that she doesnt even know) and Im afraid she knows where we work. She knows where I work and her best friend works at the same place with my boyfriend. So I'm pretty stuck no matter what if she wants to annoy me

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I'm trying to let go of it. She just makes it very difficult. my game plan is just to tell her he doesnt know who she is because I think it will show her I don't care and I didn't care enough to mention her.


Why would you tell her anything? Just ignore it. The only way someone can annoy you is if you let her. She doesn't make it difficult for you to let go- you make it difficult for yourself.

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