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I recently met this girl through a friend of mine. We've only hung out in groups a few times but didn't really talk that much. She seems really shy around me. However, when she talks to her friend about me its a different story. She has told them she wants me, in graphic terms. LOL.


Anyways, I got her number and we've been texting for a month and trying to set up some kind of date. Finally, we decided to watch a movie at her place, since the theaters weren't playing anything good. She wanted to see a scary movie so I got one that I heard was good. Unfortunately, it wasn't that great of a movie and it wasn't even that scary..just weird.


We watched the movie in her room on her bed. The problem was that I wanted to cuddle during the movie but I just froze up. I didn't know how to make the move. I tried moving closer to her but it really didn't work. I guess one of the hard things is that this was also the our first time really hanging out together. I just feel like it could have gone better that night. what kind of moves do you pull during movie dates that have worked for you?

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Personally, I think watching a movie for a first date is not the best idea. But whats the rush to put the moves on anyway?

There's less chance of conversation if you're trying to watch a movie and conversation is normally the best way to get to know someone. After a few dates, holding hands etc should happen and feel almost natural if you both want it to.

Secondly, it would have possibly been more relaxed if you had gone out somewhere, on neutral territory.

If you want to do something fun for a second date, why not try ice skating or something, one of you may need the others help to stay upright

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I recently met this girl through a friend of mine. We've only hung out in groups a few times but didn't really talk that much. She seems really shy around me. However, when she talks to her friend about me its a different story. She has told them she wants me, in graphic terms. LOL.


Anyways, I got her number and we've been texting for a month and trying to set up some kind of date. Finally, we decided to watch a movie at her place, since the theaters weren't playing anything good. She wanted to see a scary movie so I got one that I heard was good. Unfortunately, it wasn't that great of a movie and it wasn't even that scary..just weird.

Movies are bad for alone time. Especially at the beginning. You need to be taking this time to talk and get to know each other. I always try avoid movies for the first month or two.


We watched the movie in her room on her bed. The problem was that I wanted to cuddle during the movie but I just froze up. I didn't know how to make the move. I tried moving closer to her but it really didn't work. I guess one of the hard things is that this was also the our first time really hanging out together. I just feel like it could have gone better that night. what kind of moves do you pull during movie dates that have worked for you?


If she lives with her parents then she may not be too keen on cuddling in her room with a guy they have just met. It didnt go well because you chose an impossible first date. There is no time to warm up and get to know each other, its just go in, watch it without talking much and then its over and you know you have just spent 2 hours together but you have learned nothing and are no closer. Ask her to go bowling or play Pool or something instead. Anything where you can talk. Bowling is my favourite first date because if they get a strike they get excited and go for a hug, once that happens you have made physical contact and things get easier.

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