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Need advice...

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So I guess tonight is going to be the last hurdle, I somehow don't expect to hear from her, but would sending the following really hurt...


'Happy new year, wish you all the best x'


sorry guys, 2012 I'm making a strong effort to forget, nothing to bring back reminders now. Wish you all the best and thanks for all the help.


Geez you are struggling. Contacting her will bring you nothing but pain. But I suspect you are struggling so much you will cave in soon. You are feeling down because after that text message when you ignored her you hoped it would send her into a spiral and she would try again and maybe again.


Listen, do what you feel like, one thing is for sure, this woman does not really care much about you. You care about yourself and deserve to find a way to move forward. You will get that from within yourself not ENA.


And this is what will likely happen, when you send that text, you will think it is only a text but it shall take you back to waiting, analysing yada yada. The only way to avoid that is no contact and moving on. Ignore her unless she comes chasing after you and expressing her undying love to you - how likely is that to happen? Um... tricky


Good luck

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It's funny ive just been reading my posts on here, your right I'm causing all this pain myself and its not doing me any good anymore. I guess its my nature that I care too much. But really why should i now.


I'm off out with my mates tonight and am going to enjoy it. New year is a start of a new chapter not looking back.

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