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Pervert... (more of a rant then anything...)


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So today I was with the guy I'm currently seeing. We were with a mutual friend, and the friend suggested we stop over and see his other friend.


So we went to this guy's house. At first he seemed cool. Then his wife left and a whole other side came out.


He started flirting with me. I wasn't really flirting back because I was there with someone I'm kinda involved with. But I was being friendly.


Then he was straight out hitting on me. I mean, not being suave about it at all. At one point he asked if we could go in the other room so he could "eat my kitty cat." I told him no and started fending off his comments by laughing and being a smartass. Sarcasm is my friend in situations like this.


At one point my guy even told him "You realize you're hitting on my girl right in front of me right?"


My guy got up to go to the bathroom... I was on one end of the couch, Mr. Douchebag was on the other end of the couch. And he was bold enough to reach right accross and grab me between my legs. I told him pretty firmly, "Don't do that."


This happened a few more times. At one point her told me it was because I was sitting with my legs open. (I was sitting Indian style at the time.)


Then after like the fifth time, I just got nasty with him. I told him "I've asked you nicely not to do that and you keep doing it. What the hell is your problem. Stop grabbing at me!"


He tried to say he didn't know it bothered me. I told him really, if he was a guest in my house and I suddenly started grabbing his balls every time his wife left the room wouldn't that make him uncomfortable? Of course he said it wouldn't... big shocker there.


My guy was in the kitchen when I was saying this stuff and he heard this. He came into the living room and backed me up.


So now I'm at home and I feel nasty. I feel like I have to take a shower just to get this pervert's touch off me. And he already sent me a friend request on facebook. I should also say his son was in the living room playing Wii while all this was going on.


His poor wife and kid...


I'm only posting here because I'm upset. I know I can't change it. But it still pisses me off.

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So you sit there and take it? I'm sure had your b/f seen that you were no longer in the house he would have left as well.


I didn't just sit there and take it. I kept asking him to stop. I moved away from him. I even pushed his hand away once.

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No hr doesn't.


Ok that puts the conclusion of having a misguided idea about the rules in your relationship.


Then this guy is absolutely unbelievable!

Having the nerve to get so personal.


I don't know why he would go to such lengths to be such a perv and with his kid in the same room!

After all your objections he later on proceeds to try to add you as a friend.


Well your friend knows now what this guy is capable of and knows if he is on his way to this guys house again, to avoid going there with you if he is still friends with him.

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Unless you're in that situation, you really don't know how you would react.


Yes I do know how I would react. I would have respect for myself and not let this perv get 5 chances on my crotch. I would have gotten up and left and expected my b/f to follow...and if the b/f didn't, then it's time call someone to find an alternative way home.

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Yes I do know how I would react. I would have respect for myself and not let this perv get 5 chances on my crotch. I would have gotten up and left and expected my b/f to follow...and if the b/f didn't, then it's time call someone to find an alternative way home.


I have to agree with CatCountry on this one. First time, you get a stern word. 4 more times? Your invading my space and you deserve a sucker punch in the face.

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Yes I do know how I would react. I would have respect for myself and not let this perv get 5 chances on my crotch. I would have gotten up and left and expected my b/f to follow...and if the b/f didn't, then it's time call someone to find an alternative way home.


Ok, perhaps you know how you'd react, but not everyone is the same. I have respect for myself, but I don't know how I'd react. I don't like causing public scenes, being angry, or causing trouble for people. My tendency in these situations is to freeze up and try not to make a big deal about it so I don't draw attention to myself.


I think it is insensitive to imply that when this happens, it means that they don't have respect for themselves.

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It's great that you and catcountry now exactly how you would react, but that doesn't make this Cynders fault that this guy was so disgusting.


No one said it was her fault. Maybe we just think there should have been a stronger reaction to prevent further assault.

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I have to say -even if he did know I wouldn't think his behavior would be appropriate - perhaps it would be appropriate to flirt but that's all.


It certainly would not have been appropriate if he did know.

It still could have been a plausible trigger to his misguided assumption to how someone in that kind of relationship would act to such an approach.


Stereotypes and false assumptions.

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It's great that you and catcountry now exactly how you would react, but that doesn't make this Cynders fault that this guy was so disgusting.


I never said that's how Cynder should act nor that this was her fault. he was extremely out of line but other than bringing it to his wife's attention and starting more drama, what can you do other than avoiding the creep?

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No one said it was her fault. Maybe we just think there should have been a stronger reaction to prevent further assault.


Which is implying that this is her fault.


Frankly, if i was at a strangers house with no way of getting home and a child in the room, I doubt I would have had the strength of character to make a huge scene too.

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