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Stupid dang essay.. (oh and would like opinions on my housemates view on me)

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Really, why can I not find criticisms of a paper/study that I need to critizise, gonna have to do it wrong, but still it will be done.

I wish I had chosen the other university I could have gone to, least then I would have been able to choose my second year modules rather than having to keep these ones, thus keeping SAT. It is so stressful, as if I haven't got enough on my plate as it is my house mate has decided to moan at me about my so called behaviour towards her. Yay.


I love uni, but really, I cannot seem to do this essay. I can do it, I just wish I understood it.


Anyway onto my house mate issue..

(side note, my fave house mate means so much to me. He's always there for me even when am being a moany cow)


Anyway, my housemate was having ago at me about owing money, I don't owe her money but thats the background info.


housematei said it. İf you're gonna be moody İ dont wanna go with you to the gig



Me fine. dont come. ill find someone who wants to see them n spend time with me. up to you, your gonna miss a good gig.


housemateWell you've hardly been shinny as a star recently. İ just worry about you.



what exactly have i been doing to make you think that?


housemateJust being down. Not sleeping. İm worried that you might still have that blade wrapped in tissue


three essays in 3 weeks does that. So do nightmares etc. Btw, how is saying fine I wont go with you to gig gonna help if I do by chance have blades wraped in tissue?

that would make anyone feel worse about themselves, like their company isnt good enough.


housemateDont try and make me feel bad. İm saying if you're miserable neither of us will enjoy the gig



LOL at how your trying to say am trying to make you feel bad


housemateDo what you want



well i dont want my house mate trying to make me feel bad. dont worry, ill get someone else to come gig seeing as you dont want to.

housemateim not trying to make you feel bad. You do that well enough yourself


meexcuse me?

you dont know how am thinking and feeling so dont try pulling that one. If you feel low cause you miss bf thats fine, dont try turning this on me. I have enough on my plate without people thinking they're right.


housemateDont you dare bring my relationship into this



leave me alone . i got more important stuff to be doing than arguing with you over fb. if your worried about me you speak to my face.


OK for starters, I know I wasn't exactly the most considerate person back at my housemate, but this convo really was not needed when I have got a lot on atm. And if she was really worried about me, shouldn't she either come and talk to me about it face to face rather than start an argument over fb or talk to the other two housemates and see if they know whats going on with me?


I don't need more stress, I want to give up already her behaviour just makes me want to live at home (even though thats a stressful environment in itself) and commute to uni.

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I know it comes accross that way, might have been slightly intentional but not too sure. Tbh I really don't care if she comes, I asked her because I know she wanted to see the bands playing, but if she thinks I'm gonna ruin the experience then its up to her if she comes or not. I can try and find someone else to go.

I doubt she's concerned, if she was she knows that having ago at me and trying to make me feel bad, would lead me to unhealthy behaviours. I don't really care about her opinion anymore, just wish she would leave me alone, if she doesn't want to spend time with me at a gig (after my essays are done might I add so I wont be under stress!) and have a good time, then just tell me rather than go some long winded rude way about making me not want to go with her. It's not like I was asking her for money for the ticket.

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