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Disgusted - snake/kitten media S*** storm in the UK!!


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You seem to be missing the point. Why are we going to want to log into YouTube to view another video of a defenceless animal being devoured for the sake of entertainment??


Then why did you start a thread on this in the first place? If you don't want to talk about animals being tortured then don't start a thread on it.


BTW I came accross that video by coincidence. I was looking at vids about tarantulas and came accross that one.

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Then why did you start a thread on this in the first place? If you don't want to talk about animals being tortured then don't start a thread on it.


BTW I came accross that video by coincidence. I was looking at vids about tarantulas and came accross that one.


It's not about TALKING about the animals being tortured (and therefore discussing MORE animals being tortured) it's about the appaling nature of it. Big difference.

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To be honest it bothers me even when people feed live mice to snakes - it's not about the animals being cute and cuddly at all, it's just deeply upsetting to me to see any living thing being killed, especially if they appear frightened or aware of what's happening beforehand. It just disturbs me on every level.



And I would say that the act of taping it says a lot about the kid. This isn't mother nature taking its natural course, and its not filming for the sake of education or anything - he did something that he knew would provoke a response and upset people. That's a little deranged.

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I have the same first reactions, of course.


I have to agree with the poster who asks what a teenager (or anyone) is doing with an animal that's supposed to be out in the wild, or at least (which I'm not crazy about, either) in a zoo. I think people who enjoy keeping dangerous, exotic pets already have a bit of something going on that's questionable. Whether it's for show, or for looking daring, or feeling special and unconventional -- it just shows something's off.


Some other things to ask and/or consider in this case, though:


1. Where is this boy's parents? Why, if they have been proper parents, have they not discussed proper and humane ways of feeding the python, established house rules about how to enjoy it as a pet, and how is he sneaking a kitten into its/his living quarters (I assume, since a python is pretty heavy and unwieldy to drag around town) without his parents being aware of what's going on? Why are his parents allowing a python as a pet to begin with, when it is a dangerous animal requiring major precautions (pythons can kill people), and which I imagine is hard to take to the vet when needed?


2. Why is he not worried his parents, friends, and teachers might see this on the net and ostracize or punish him? Where are all these people in his life?


3. A sociopath has a psychiatric defect. While he may not be insane, he does not possess an ability to care about morality or feel the pain of others. He is hardwired to get a thrill by seeing something/someone else in pain because it gives him a sense of power. As such, this cannot classify as a moral failing. It's a brain defect, much like diabetes is a pancreatic defect. The brain is part of the body.


4. Would you torture or throw a person in jail who has a bodily defect?


5. He is still a teen and his brain is not fully developed yet, so whatever functional aberrations are already present, his stage of life brings with it an underdeveloped brain


The place for this kid is an institution where he can be supervised and given the opportunity to access the latest treatments for his psychiatric disorder, along with whatever social rehabilitation he might need since clearly, his upbringing and probably support system looks to be as defective as his frontal lobe. He has a very poor prognosis most likely but he should be taken in for treatment and evaluation, with the requirement that he be closely followed medically indefinitely, so that he is less likely to perpetrate some similar or worse act.


But this would require a lot of resources.

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it's just deeply upsetting to me to see any living thing being killed, especially if they appear frightened or aware of what's happening beforehand.


If you watch any nature program, you'll see this happening everywhere to every species. Animals eat other animals that are aware they're being eaten alive, or everything would go extinct. Snakes do this in the jungle.


So you'd have to argue that no one should have a pet that eats other animals, if you want to totally avoid this issue. Stick with fish and fish food, and herbivores.


Then also, you'd probably have to become a vegetarian if you took this far enough (and maybe you are, but I'm just saying.) Because it's well known that when cattle are about to be slaughtered, they're terrified. Especially with the mass methods used, where death isn't always quick.


Not to derail, just saying. The higher up on the food chain you are, the more eating innocent creatures that were scared and saw their end at hand takes place.

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If you watch any nature program, you'll see this happening everywhere to every species. Animals eat other animals that are aware they're being eaten alive, or everything would go extinct. Snakes do this in the jungle.



I agree with you TOV but a house cat being fed to a snake is not the way of the jungle.

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