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Disgusted - snake/kitten media S*** storm in the UK!!


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Not sure if the UK folk here saw any of this in the press today, but there was a story about a teen in London who fed a kitten to his pet Python whilst playing Christmas music in the background. This aforementioned sick and twisted f*** recorded the ordeal and the kittens plight and then posted it on the world wide web. These sorts of things get me so riled up and angry. A poor defenceless creature used for the entertainment of others!! I hope the RSPCA and the Police find this guy and I hope he gets plonked in jail so that some other prisoners can feed him to some Prison Python in the showers.....


Sorry for the rant!!

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Yea pretty cruel. He will be looked at, because these are signs he could be capable of horrific things in the future.


Yea I defo agree with you there. He does seem like the sort from his actions of cruelty who would go on to even greater acts of cruelty against not just animals but also people!! Does make me want to go door to door in Islington London and find the guy and feed his nuts to his trophy pet Python!!

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Yea it's really sad and disgusting. It wasn't even so much that it was a kitten but the fact it was a domesticated animal who are raised to believe humans are safe and okay - only to be totally betrayed and 'distracted' so that the snake could pounce - THAT is the disgusting part. Yes, we feed snakes mice and they're cute as hell too and I would never own a snake because I could never watch it eat a mouse - but a mouse isn't like a cat.


And the fact he completely manipulated that cat.. Some people disgust me. I have a 17 year old cat who is the best thing I could have asked for. That cat easily could have had 15 years of life, not 4 months.

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Yeah, I can empathize with you here. It's weird. I can hear stories of people beating up on each other and not really feel affected by it. But when I hear a story like this it makes me angry. Most house animals, especially kittens, are kind hearteded and trust you. To just subject one to tortune in such a manner is just enraging.

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The press article i saw at work said the animal at first was aware of the snake, slightly concerned but then the guy who made the video distracted the kitten using a santas hat and slightly nudging it towards the snake before the python pounced and coiled itself around the kitten. Apparently if they catch him he is looking at 6 months in prison and a £20,000 fine. The sickening thing is that he posted that would be more feeding videos to come!! I just hope its the Python eatting him!!

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Yea it's really sad and disgusting. It wasn't even so much that it was a kitten but the fact it was a domesticated animal who are raised to believe humans are safe and okay - only to be totally betrayed and 'distracted' so that the snake could pounce - THAT is the disgusting part. Yes, we feed snakes mice and they're cute as hell too and I would never own a snake because I could never watch it eat a mouse - but a mouse isn't like a cat.


And the fact he completely manipulated that cat.. Some people disgust me. I have a 17 year old cat who is the best thing I could have asked for. That cat easily could have had 15 years of life, not 4 months.


Just gets me upset and worked up. With snakes you can buy dead mice I believe for that pure reason so you dont have to feed them live creatures.


I agree about the disgusting part as well. I understand that in life there is a "food chain" so to speak but the fact this indvidual did what he did it wasnt because he was appeasing the animal mingdom, no, he did this because he got a thrill out of seeing the kitten killed and eatten. As you rightly pointed out he distracted the animal and im sure the article said he was "kissing the kittens head" and "tickling its belly" playing with the cat and purposely lulling it into a false sense of security!! Sick B***ard!!

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You're not allowed to even feed live mice over here in the UK. You can get into trouble for that.


The worst one I saw was when some guy fed a hamster to a Goliath bird eating spider. Go to YouTube and type hamster v T Blondi. Pretty sick guy who did that one.

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You're not allowed to even feed live mice over here in the UK. You can get into trouble for that.


The worst one I saw was when some guy fed a hamster to a Goliath bird eating spider. Go to YouTube and type hamster v T Blondi. Pretty sick guy who did that one.


You seem to be missing the point. Why are we going to want to log into YouTube to view another video of a defenceless animal being devoured for the sake of entertainment??

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I used to own a snake. I don't know about the laws in the UK but I do know that some snakes, despite attempts at feeding them F/T mice (frozen/thawed mice) while hatchlings, will still refuse and starve themselves to death. Sometimes its just too ingrained in them to go after a moving critter than a simply warmed up piece of meat (which is why stunning them doesn't work either). It can also happen vice versa however, a snake raised with F/T mice may refuse live or stunned mice until they starve to death. Its generally advised against feeding them live animals not because of 'humane' treatments of the prey but because live prey may harm the snake in the 'hunting' and 'feeding' process.


I know people who raise and breed mice solely to feed their snakes (corn snakes, so they can't consume anything bigger than a rat.)


Now I haven't seen the video (I've fed enough snakes to get a decent idea) but enforcing what mother nature has intended for certain critters is not a sign of sociopathy or else anyone that owns an exotic/non-domesticated animal would be considered one. Its unfortunate that he picked a cute little thing that warms our hearts but this thing happens all over the world.


If the kid has tortured the cat before tossing it to the snake or intentionally harmed either for pleasure then I'll start worrying.


However, I do not know the UK laws when it comes to exotic animals and snakes - I do know in the US you are within your legal rights to serve your snake a live critter.

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i cant even read this - it is so disturbing and horrific. All we can do is send Love and Light and prayers to the kitten.

I have had to receive counselling in the past because I could not move past an animal toture incident I heard of. It made me want to die myself rather than be a part of this human race. The counsellor ( a spiritua person ) tod me to send Love and Light to the perpetrator!! That if enough people did this , he would change!

I found this hard to do.

Aparently people like this usually come from abusive family backgrounds and lack Love in their lives? Still hard to send them Love and light. But it might be worth a go, then maybe the little kitten died for some reason if all of us can help alter this guy's consciousness.

I do believe in the collective energy of many people sending Love and Light or prayer. Thats all I can cling to , with stuff like this.

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Now I haven't seen the video (I've fed enough snakes to get a decent idea) but enforcing what mother nature has intended for certain critters is not a sign of sociopathy or else anyone that owns an exotic/non-domesticated animal would be considered one. Its unfortunate that he picked a cute little thing that warms our hearts but this thing happens all over the world.


If the kid has tortured the cat before tossing it to the snake or intentionally harmed either for pleasure then I'll start worrying.


However, I do not know the UK laws when it comes to exotic animals and snakes - I do know in the US you are within your legal rights to serve your snake a live critter.


Firstly, I believe it is illegal in the UK, especially deliberate cruelty to a cat. However, I do disagree with your comment around mother nature etc. This wasnt done in an attempt to reinforce mother nature etc, this was done as an act of entertainment which is compleatly wrong. I accept the fact there is a food chain (i believe I might have metioned this in my deleted post) however the video in question the teen has coaxed the kitten into a false of security and watched on whilst playing Christmas music in the background. In the photos in the daily tabloids he firstly had the kitten posing in a santas hat before placing it on the bed and keeping it distracted whilst the Snake snuck up on the kitten. That my friend is a clear sign of sociopathy.


Also, I hardly feel a kitten is classed as a critter?? Especially a domesitcated one.

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I think this isn't the first time he had done this.


Wouldnt surprise me at all!! He has threatenedto do more videos which is the worrying thing. The guy who sits next to me at wrong had to hurl the paper away as he felt physically sick looking at the photos!

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I read this on a online paper I read to keep up with hubby's side of the world.. I literally felt sick upon reading the title. They had the video attached but I couldn't watch that. As a animal lover (and a cat owner) it just chilled me. I instantly snuggled to my 3 year old cat and gave him tons of love. So sad what some human beings can do to defenseless animals...

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Now I haven't seen the video (I've fed enough snakes to get a decent idea) but enforcing what mother nature has intended for certain critters is not a sign of sociopathy or else anyone that owns an exotic/non-domesticated animal would be considered one. Its unfortunate that he picked a cute little thing that warms our hearts but this thing happens all over the world.


If the kid has tortured the cat before tossing it to the snake or intentionally harmed either for pleasure then I'll start worrying.QUOTE]


If this were mother nature there wouldnt be phythons in the UK living in some dudes apartment eating kittens. They are not a native species to that area nor are they to the states. This kid video taped it and put it up for the world to see and that is the behavior of a sick individual. It was not done so that the snake could live, it was done for his own amusement.


The kids a SICKO and needs to be found. This probably isnt his first or last time he will do this sort of thing.

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