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Do You Find Fitness Models Conceited?


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That's if they went to a US school. You have to consider those that went to schools outside the US, i.e. Caribbean, Europe, and so forth. Many that go to Caribbean aren't necessarily US material. Some have low GPAs, and so forth. Would you consider them less-er?


I personally don't have a problem with overseas schools as long as the students coming back are able to pass ALL of the necessary tests and such and are able to practice at the SAME level as other doctors. They need to also have the same basic understanding of science. If they can do that, I don't have a problem. Because if they don't meet them, they don't get their license and can't practice. Period.


crazyaboutdogs is right, there a lot of less than stellar doctors out there. Many doctors have horrid bedside manner too. I think good grades are important but ultimately, they don't determine what sort of doctor the person will be, as long as they handle bad situations well, have experience, and can pass all of the necessary tests/standards.


My father graduated at near the top of his class in med school (a great US one) but had friends "towards the bottom" and he always told me. "What do you call the lowest ranked medical school student who is finishing? Answer: Doctor."

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I find it unfortunately common that people brand others who are superior to them as "conceited", often without a shred of evidence. I think it's best to be realistic about yourself, not project weird stuff onto others and simply be satisfied with being your best self.

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I agree, and feel the same. I do have a few friends who have become bodybuilders, or who used to body build competitively and now have pared down their time with that in order to devote to other careers, families, other parts of life.


No, I don't find these people conceited. Some are obsessed, no doubt, but at the level some of them have taken it, it is almost necessary to be. It's one of the things I admire about them: such intense dedication and focus it takes to do anything so well. It does require a lot of sacrifice.


I can enjoy the company of someone who has chosen to make this such a large focus of their life, but of course we will never be all that close simply because my level of interest/priority to fitness and my musculature is way down the list compared to them.


Regardless of anything else, if someone has a sucky personality, they are gonna have one and it's not about the outside. I've met all shapes and professions where there were some people I'd say I felt had some sucky personalities.


I do wonder why in the world you'd subscribe to these pages if you can't stand the whole dealie-o?

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