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Do You Find Fitness Models Conceited?


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Okay, so I'm subscribed to a number of IFBB fitness models. Of course, they're FB is filled with hundreds of pictures of their bodies. Most of them are pretty, probably under the 'hot' category.

Anyway, a lot of them post status updates about eating healthy, working out and stuff. Don't get me wrong- that's great and all. But I feel like a lot of them look down upon normal people that don't have perfect physiques. They look down upon skinny girls with no muscle mass, or just people in general who hit cardio more often. I get that vibe from their status updates.

Anyway, Jamie Eason in an interview said for a long time she was single because she didn't think a lot of the men that asked her out were worthy of her attention and affections. I can understand that but to be single for years also is a sign that maybe you need to change your mindset.

The other thing that kind of upsets me about them is their thinking that everyone should devote time to exercise. Okay, everyone should but not everyone has 4 hours a day to devote to 3 different muscle groups and to cook clean and healthy.

People have jobs, families, school and so on. These fitness models do this for a living so yeah, they will invest the time. It just seems like they think they are so great, yada yada.


Any of you men dated a fitness model?

Any of you women had fitness models as friends?

Experiences, stories, etc.

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I don't pay much attention to anyone like that just because they're speaking a language and living a lifestyle that means little to nothing to me. I am just vain enough to manage my own lifestyle in a way where I don't gain weight, but that's the extent of it. My diet is bad, my exercise routine is nonexistent, and the only core I care about is in my computer.


I get bored with anyone that is fixated on any one thing, whether it's gamers that never do anything else, healthy people that 24/7 cannot view any one single experience outside of the scope of what it means for their body, etc. etc. It's for that reason that I wouldn't date anyone like that. Personally, I've got too many things on my plate to really care what this soda or cheeseburger or x ingredient means for my health decades down the road.


I think by and large people are just more compatible with people who share their life vision. A fitness model is probably going to prioritize fitness and that doesn't surprise me. She'd look at me and say no thanks but what she may or may not know is that I'm also not interested. I let people do their thing. People in academia can be the same way when it comes to how they view people without "x" qualifications. I just don't care. Give me someone that's interesting, fun, and kind and everyone else can keep the rest.

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I think it goes both ways; all too common with professionals. A bit of over inflated ego I'm sure exists but not everyone is like that as much as the public may take it otherwise. And we're talking people that are fitness models and live off contracts. You can't really portray a negative image about yourself either you know? Especially if she has contracts with different companies, she has to sell herself.

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I can understand that but to be single for years also is a sign that maybe you need to change your mindset.


This is exactly the reason why many people get into so so and bad relationships....because they think being single for a long time means something is wrong with them...so in order to avoid this kind of low self-assessment and public stigma, they rush into a relationship just to be in a relationship and conform to society's dictates.


I also think it is a generalization to say fitness models are conceited. Some are, some aren't. I have seen my fair share of conceited people in all walks of life...from the garage mechanic who looks down on people who know nothing about the inner workings of cars, to the IT professional who looks down on people who know nothing about the nuts and bolts of computers, to physicians who look down on patients and assume they couldn't possibly know anything about what is going on with their own body.


When the fitness models post status reports about what they eat blah blah, it is basically an advertisement for the product they are selling...themself. This is how they get public recognition, contracts and make money. It is their business..their line of work. It may or may not be who they are in their private life. As for devoting time to exercise...even many people who are not fitness models but who are really into fitness, will talk fitness a lot and expect that everyone should be into fitness like they are or else "they are not taking care of their health". There is a certain conceit amongst many people who are into fitness, when it comes to fitness issues.

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Some fitness models are conceited. Some teachers are conceited. Some lawyers are conceited. Some doctors, waitresses, engineers, pilots, and any other women in any other type of profession are conceited.


Some women are conceited.


We could be here for years discussing this. Just ignore them, there are plenty more that aren't conceited. Those are the ones that deserve your attention. Forget the conceited ones.

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You know, if you don't like them and their updates make you feel bad, unfollow them.


They are professionals and as such are promoting their lifestyle (and any sponsors they have). Exercise is a high priority to them, of course they think it's important and that other people should priorise it.


I don't really think any of these things particularly conceited though. No more than I'd expect from someone who does somrthing to a high level.

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I think women with muscles is disgusting. I dont even like abs on a girl.


Fitness competitors are used to wanting to defeat others in physique, it just so happens their sport is about "looks", so they would be the type to judge and want to be superior (thought their motivation to get into that sports could be conceited). Its like a powerlifter can brag about his 450lb bench lift, its not conceited because its not about look


I workout, and i wont lie, unhealthy-looking people kind of get to me if they hit on me. So I guess i could relate to that comment about being picking in some ways.

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I think it goes both ways; all too common with professionals. A bit of over inflated ego I'm sure exists but not everyone is like that as much as the public may take it otherwise. And we're talking people that are fitness models and live off contracts. You can't really portray a negative image about yourself either you know? Especially if she has contracts with different companies, she has to sell herself.


That's so true. WITH PROFESSIONALS of all professions. I'm in chemistry and all the chemists I know are so damn arrogant. I catch myself being arrogant from time to time too. Almost everybody who specializes in something is arrogant. It's a human condition, rather than a fitness model condition.

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I am talking to a fitness model right now, I am hiring her in jan because I want to learn how to do the fitness bikini competitions

i can honestly say I have LOW self esteem am DEF not conceited lol I WISH I was I TRULY desire the muscles I always have

it's not about what other people think, its about what I want

thorshammer...I know men hate muscly women my bro's always tell me my muscles are disgusting

If i was trying to impress men I wouldn't wanna do the fitness bikini stuff... so it's def not about being conceited and wanting attention

Its cause I GENUINELY love the idea of being soooo strong and fit...i LOVE the look of muscles on women even though men think it's gross...i feel like im too old now (30) to care what ppl think

mainly when i update my FB about healthy stuff and motivational quotes it's to pep talk myself...not to sell myself or any products

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All people can be conceited, regardless of what they do. I'm in the sciences and I would actually wager that most people in my major have a pole up their bum and look down on everyone. I only know a few cool people. It's not a wonder why I don't have any friends in my major - can't stand them! It's all "I'm going to HAAARRRVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. Oh, you're not aiming for an IVY? You must have low standards." Right.


That being said, I don't really seek out fitness models. I find them to be kinda boring because we don't have anything in common. I'm not a gym rat and while I do watch what I eat, just TALKING about calorie intake for hours on end bores me to death. Their looks really don't matter very much to me considering that we don't have anything in common. Pass!

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Dont you ever say 30 is old... or we are going to fight!!! Arm wrestling contest!!! My age doesnt stop me from working out, I am just upset I didnt start sooner. I could have been a lot bigger.


Sheesh, i didnt mean they were all conceited, I am saying some can be motivated to start that up because they are.


I can handle a small bicep on a girl, even some definition in the shoulders and a bit in the quads... but thats it. I dont want to snuggle with myself. I remember there was this guy at my old job, he was into bodybuilding like me. He called me over and was like, "hey, ooooh man, check this sweet girl out", so I rushed to him like if I was 6 years old.


And what do I see, a women who looked like four of me put togther. I was speechless, I just stood there horrified, not knowing what to say to him. These women were on steroids obviously.

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I am talking to a fitness model right now, I am hiring her in jan because I want to learn how to do the fitness bikini competitions

If i was trying to impress men I wouldn't wanna do the fitness bikini stuff... so it's def not about being conceited and wanting attention

...i feel like im too old now (30)

Ninja, your posts always confuse me. A week ago you were a 55 year old male. Your current profile states you are a 46 year old male wanting to wear a bikini, and at the very same time, in your post above, you are also a 30 year old female. ?? And on other occasions you've been a 27 year old female etc etc. Your age and gender changes almost on a weekly basis, lol. We never know who we're talking to and it gets soooo confusing! I'm assuming you are female (as you have mentioned a husband before) and NOT a 55, 46, or whatever other age MALE?

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All people can be conceited, regardless of what they do. I'm in the sciences and I would actually wager that most people in my major have a pole up their bum and look down on everyone. I only know a few cool people. It's not a wonder why I don't have any friends in my major - can't stand them! It's all "I'm going to HAAARRRVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. Oh, you're not aiming for an IVY? You must have low standards." Right.


That being said, I don't really seek out fitness models. I find them to be kinda boring because we don't have anything in common. I'm not a gym rat and while I do watch what I eat, just TALKING about calorie intake for hours on end bores me to death. Their looks really don't matter very much to me considering that we don't have anything in common. Pass!


Yep! Most people in the sciences are conceited.

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I'm talking more Jamie Eason type.


Oh, wow... that girl is hot. I love her... i love her so much.


Anyways, sometimes also these fitness models want to sell products, so they push it. They might be also trying to set up a post-career of selling routines and plans to fans after their career is done, or during. They want to be come accross as gods gift to earth, so you can want to be them, and boom... a new book of theirs comes out.


I have some natural bodybuilders on my fb, they are always like BUILD BIGGER BICEPS.


Unless they say something like... "oh my god, this guy keeps hitting on me, pleaseee... not cute!" Then I would delete. I get that enough from immature girls that friend me on their FB.

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Anyway, Jamie Eason in an interview said for a long time she was single because she didn't think a lot of the men that asked her out were worthy of her attention and affections. I can understand that but to be single for years also is a sign that maybe you need to change your mindset.

The other thing that kind of upsets me about them is their thinking that everyone should devote time to exercise. Okay, everyone should but not everyone has 4 hours a day to devote to 3 different muscle groups and to cook clean and healthy.

People have jobs, families, school and so on. These fitness models do this for a living so yeah, they will invest the time. It just seems like they think they are so great, yada yada.


Well...I am not a fitness model and no...not all men are worth my time and affections. There are plenty of men who I would not date or start getting hooked on because they are not what I want. There are men that I have known who have abused drugs, men interested in casual sex, men who were 40 but were into drunkfests with their buddies every weekend and should be over it by now, men confused about their sexuality, and men whose lifestyle just in no way could ever mesh with mine - so you are jumping to conclusions that she is on a lofty tower thinking men aren't worth her time. She has the right to not to chase every man around like a puppy. She probably wants someone who is not a total loser and can mentally accept and deal with the fact that she's in the spotlight sometimes, and is secure enough to think that she is not into every guy she talks to for her job, and might even work out with her occasionally. (and as a non-model, I can say that there are some wonderful men out there too, but it takes a while to meet the right one)


And yeah, I think everyone should devote their time to some exercise. But on her end, people are allowed to have a passion in life. And how many women in men have come on here having devoted years to their career and now regret not putting time into finding someone?


Its easy to judge someone who for whatever reason - your self confidence, their location on the earth, the difference in age - would never be your girlfriend - or for women jealousy versus thinking that they could very well be a nice person who has worked hard and deserves to be choosey just like anyone else.

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Yep! Most people in the sciences are conceited.


You know, I used to be that way myself. Then a couple years ago, I went to this "meeting" of science-types. They were all bashing DOs (doctors of osteopathic medicine). They were like "If I don't become a MD, then I'd be a PhD...ANYTHING is better than a DO....DOs are just crap. They aren't REAL doctors!" I was like "Wait...WHAT?" It killed me because I actually have respect for DOs, just as much as MDs. The DOs I know work in general medicine and many work in low-income areas. I only know a couple general-practicing MDs since most can get into well-paying specialities. DOs are called "doctors" and can do the same things as MD....and they can help people. This elitist asshats would rather just be a PhD for the title than the "shame" of a DO....wow. Really shows their priorities.

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Ninja, your posts always confuse me. A week ago you were a 55 year old male. Your current profile states you are a 46 year old male wanting to wear a bikini, and at the very same time, in your post above, you are also a 30 year old female. ?? And on other occasions you've been a 27 year old female etc etc. Your age and gender changes almost on a weekly basis, lol. We never know who we're talking to and it gets soooo confusing! I'm assuming you are female (as you have mentioned a husband before) and NOT a 55, 46, or whatever other age MALE?



Maybe it's because this person is a ninja. That would mean they are skilled in the art of ninjutsu which includes deception and being able to change their identity. They keep you off balance because you never know what they are going to be.

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You know, I used to be that way myself. Then a couple years ago, I went to this "meeting" of science-types. They were all bashing DOs (doctors of osteopathic medicine). They were like "If I don't become a MD, then I'd be a PhD...ANYTHING is better than a DO....DOs are just crap. They aren't REAL doctors!" I was like "Wait...WHAT?" It killed me because I actually have respect for DOs, just as much as MDs. The DOs I know work in general medicine and many work in low-income areas. I only know a couple general-practicing MDs since most can get into well-paying specialities. DOs are called "doctors" and can do the same things as MD....and they can help people. This elitist asshats would rather just be a PhD for the title than the "shame" of a DO....wow. Really shows their priorities.



And don't DOs take similar classes or practically the same classes? What kills me is that these people haven't even stepped foot in an MD or DO program and already start judging. Give me a break. Plus, PhDs don't made that kind of money a DO makes.

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You know, I used to be that way myself. Then a couple years ago, I went to this "meeting" of science-types. They were all bashing DOs (doctors of osteopathic medicine). They were like "If I don't become a MD, then I'd be a PhD...ANYTHING is better than a DO....DOs are just crap. They aren't REAL doctors!" I was like "Wait...WHAT?" It killed me because I actually have respect for DOs, just as much as MDs. The DOs I know work in general medicine and many work in low-income areas. I only know a couple general-practicing MDs since most can get into well-paying specialities. DOs are called "doctors" and can do the same things as MD....and they can help people. This elitist asshats would rather just be a PhD for the title than the "shame" of a DO....wow. Really shows their priorities.


Lastly, it takes a failure to make them realize they're not all that. I had an acquaintance who was all hoighty toity about studying science. Then he got a D and a C in 2 classes. Then he got dropped from his med school. Now, he's very humble. Haha.

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And don't DOs take similar classes or practically the same classes? What kills me is that these people haven't even stepped foot in an MD or DO program and already start judging. Give me a break. Plus, PhDs don't made that kind of money a DO makes.


In order to get into DO school (versus MD school), well, the requirements are essentially the same. Some schools may want more of a background in psychology in addition to the normal science classes. They may take "slightly" lower GPAs and MCATs but it's still highly selective and competitive. They go to school for the same amount of time too, plus residency and whatnot. It's tough stuff no matter how you cut it. I also really respect doctors (MDs or DOs) who choose to go into general medicine. Depending on what they do, that means a lot of long hours and hard work, esp if they choose to work in poorer areas which NEED help but other doctors shy away from. To me, there is little to no difference between a DO and a MD. They do all the same duties and can do all of the same stuff (rx, procedures, declaring someone dead, etc).


Lastly, it takes a failure to make them realize they're not all that. I had an acquaintance who was all hoighty toity about studying science. Then he got a D and a C in 2 classes. Then he got dropped from his med school. Now, he's very humble. Haha.


Sounds like he got himself a big piece of humble pie! I'm glad!

What of the best things I like about doctors/nurses/PAs is that I know that they have all had good schooling and had to meet high standards to be taking care of me, so I give them respect for that.

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What of the best things I like about doctors/nurses/PAs is that I know that they have all had good schooling and had to meet high standards to be taking care of me, so I give them respect for that.


That's if they went to a US school. You have to consider those that went to schools outside the US, i.e. Caribbean, Europe, and so forth. Many that go to Caribbean aren't necessarily US material. Some have low GPAs, and so forth. Would you consider them less-er?

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That's if they went to a US school. You have to consider those that went to schools outside the US, i.e. Caribbean, Europe, and so forth. Many that go to Caribbean aren't necessarily US material. Some have low GPAs, and so forth. Would you consider them less-er?


There are a lot of less than stellar doctors in the US and Canada. Doctors who misdiagnose, doctors who don't take a person's particular pain seriously until it becomes life threatening, doctors who have horrible bedside manner etc. Being trained in the US and getting good grades does not necessarily make someone a good doctor. There are plenty of people who haven't been trained in the US (or Canada) who would make very good doctors.

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