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Finally Blocked The Ex on Facebook...Why Don't I Feel Better?

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It's been almost 2 months since the B.U. Ex wanted to stay Facebook friends and initially I was okay with it. I don't check his profile (I have downloaded website blocker apps for this). But somehow knowing he was still in cyber space and constantly overthinking whether or not to allow him to see photos/status updates/etc. I realized how it wasn't helping me in my healing, and I finally blocked him today. Facebook was the only tie we had left since we are currently 3000 miles apart and there is NO chance of bumping into one another. We were togther for almost 8 years.


I was constanly afraid of burning bridges and seeming bitter which is why I couldn't get around to doing it. I also didn't reply to an email he sent weeks ago. I keep waiting for that big load off my shoulders and big relief feeling that I have been reading from other posters. My counsellor told me I should feel at peace when I make the right decision...and that is how I will know that I did the right thing. But I just feel anxious!!


If I did the right thing by blocking him, why do I feel antsy and weird like this? Does it take a while for that relief and peaceful feeling to sink in?

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Blocking an ex on Facebook isn't a magical spell that releases all pain from the body, it's simply a way of initiating a stronger, more reliable source of No Contact.


One may feel it necessary to check-up on an ex through Facebook here and there, but if he or she is blocked, one is unable to see their name being tagged, posts, statuses, etc. and this way, their emotions are subtly removed from the situation over time.

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i've had my ex blocked from the majority of things pretty much since the break up. i can't imagine how much pain i'd be in reading through her facebook, seeing her all happy and busy without me, guys hitting on her and her flirting back. blocking and NC aren't insta pills to make you feel better, but when you aren't being bombarded with reminders that your ex is doing JUST FINE without you, it certainly does make you feel better. and the lack of contact also makes you stop hoping, waiting and wishing.


i also went through ALL my photos and deleted her comments from them. i'd forgotten about it but she had some pretty sexually aggressive ones in there, especially on pics that other girls had commented on before her.

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Trust me, you are WAY better off not knowing anything about your ex...I made the mistake last week and found out that she's most likely with the guy she liked before breaking up with me. I went back to stage 1 for one week - sleepless nights, anxiety attacks, etc.

Believe me, ignorance is BLISS. Do NOT Check her profile under any circumstances, even if it's private... because you could still see her posts on a public event and find out something that will hurt and set you back.

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