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**wanting so bad to break n/c today after 4 months**** help!!!!!!!!

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OK, so this is the guy you want to run back to? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reconsider.. this guy is NOT a prize!! You and your son do NOT need to be living with a drug abusing, mooching felon who left you to chase some new skirt. Please consider getting therapy... the fact that you have 'amnesia' about what this guy really is about and want to go running back into his arms is VERY disturbing, and it is even more disturbing that you want to move your son in with him again after you know that he's a felon with MULTIPLE problems... you can't wish all this away just because you got lonely and starting spinning new fantasies and hopes about him...



"I was dating and lived at one point with this man who was arrested and put in prison while i lived with him, he was growing marijuana in his house in the attic and i was not aware of it, my son and i moved out of the home but the majority of my furniture and clothes stayed behind, while he was in prison (10 months) i stood behind him, sent him money, he called me every single day and i was there for him, i even visited him in prison which was 10 hours from my hometown, he was released 2 months ago, we were supposed to get married he back off last minute, he has custody of his 2 kids, hes daughter was very mean to me , stole my clothes, my make up, i confronted him with this and this blew him up, he stopped calling me"



I suspect the new woman dumped him when she discovered he's a drug abusing felon... you should be that wise yourself and run the opposite way from him and quit romanticizing him just because you don't want to be alone for a while or put the effort into healing and finding someone new and NORMAL.

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>>'Funny never thought i would be a rebound if he comes around, i will never let him in my life ! thats for sure ! good one ! tks for ur advice. '


And didn't you say that just over a week ago... and now you want to rush into his arms and start up with him again? You really need to step back and get a grip. If you rush into this again, it will be a self inflicted wound when he does it to you all over again... and perhaps next time you'll get arrested too when they bust him for drugs stashed in your house, or your son start using drugs too under his example and his influence. If you want your son to respect you and have good role models, you won't do this.

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Lavenderdove makes a good point. It doesn't seem like you want to contact him because you care and want to see how he's doing. If you really cared you would respect his need for space. Have some respect for yourself, people know things you don't think they know, you don't want to be that chick knocking on the door once the other one leaves. Besides, he does NOT seem like a prize.

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