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Is it normal to feel relieved after a breakup?


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Don't get me wrong, we had a great relationship, we were very close, had good communication, and very much in love...He broke up with me because he felt he could't deal with the distance anymore (we had a LDR)..It was very tough for me too. I am very sad and I feel like most people feel after a breakup but I also feel relieved because I only have to think about myself..I don't get paranoid over what he is doing, who he is meeting etc..I don't have to put so much effort to make the relationship work..I'm on my own!!


Is it normal to feel this way even though it was his decision? Have you ever felt this way??

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I understand it..might be one of the reasons why he broke up as well. I guess you were probably both subconciously looking for an out..only he beat you to it.

But it's a positive thing that it feels like this, because now you can just say goodbye to you and him, cherish the good times and move on to something you absolutely know you want.


LDR's are tough..really tough ,but you have to be fully committed, secure within yourself and the other to be be able to live your life apart but together. Otherwise don't even start one..

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I understand it..might be one of the reasons why he broke up as well. I guess you were probably both subconciously looking for an out..only he beat you to it.


Thank you OrangeMoon..I think that is exactly what happened..We were together for 3 years and only this last year was LDR..It's really hard to let go, and I know we love eachother very much. I went to see him when he broke up with me and we had the time of our lives..the love is not gone, I just guess we aren't ready to fully commit. I would love to have one more chance with him in the future..Maybe, if it's meant to be..I try to blame him for all this, so that I can stick to NC, but I know it had to be done..Well..Thanks again

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Oh yes, after the LDR I had, I did hurt from breaking up, but I was SO relieved. It felt like I got over it in a week. But. He is still the only one that - when looking at a picture of us - makes me feel a bit sad on the inside. As if this was the one that ended before it really became what it could be. It was all the LDR stuff that made it easier to deal with the breakup. And knowing I'd not bump into him, etc. It's also the only breakup that I didn't feel angry about. We both knew there was love, but the distance was too much.

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Oh yes, after the LDR I had, I did hurt from breaking up, but I was SO relieved. It felt like I got over it in a week. But. He is still the only one that - when looking at a picture of us - makes me feel a bit sad on the inside. As if this was the one that ended before it really became what it could be. It was all the LDR stuff that made it easier to deal with the breakup. And knowing I'd not bump into him, etc. It's also the only breakup that I didn't feel angry about. We both knew there was love, but the distance was too much.


Did you ever get back together??Isn't it a shame??I really want to believe that love is all it takes to make it work but I guess it isn't..

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