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Girlfriend wants me at her place...then she doesn't...Make your mind up....


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Pretty frustrating at this point....I think we have a good thing going on....so she asked me to stay with her...I have my own place and stay there too but am with her more..... she has mentioned alot recently that I should speand more time at my place, so I brought it up in a calm conversation asking her if you need space just say so...then she always says that she loves having me there. So I am confused and starting to get frustrated because its either or and yes I always want to please her and make sure she is happy and ok but I feel like a yo yo right now. I don't know what to do next....my gut is telling me to just stay at my place until she figures out if she really is serious about me....

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If she's mentioned it a lot lately, you should really listen. You asking if she needs space --- kind of redundant. That's what she's been trying to tell you. The "I always want to please her and ....."" makes it sound like you may be giving too much --- and it's not always taken as comforting. Sometimes it feels confining.


Try spending more time alone a your place or out w/ friends. Give the relationship a little breathing room.

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thanks for that....so we had a really cool talk and I let her know that I understand how she feels, she honestly told that she doesn't want me to go anywhere...I let her know that I am fine with whatever she chooses....I am happy at my place when I have my solo time and when I with her also. so I feel things with her will work...I know she wants to get serious with me and I am ready for it....i appreciate your comment

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