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Lets get a breakup log going

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No need to get too personal. Thought this might be helpful for all of us going through this, so we can get a picture of what everyone is going through. Strength and support in number helps! (copy and paste in your info)


You (Screenname) - Ryan2600

Total relationship length - 4 yr

Who initiated the breakup - She did

Weeks since breakup - 1

Have you or her broke NC since the split - me no , her not sure (number blocked on phone)

Your ultimate goal? - Kinda ? at this point. Would love to be with her but I do not think she shares the same feelings anymore. Will reassess after 30 days or so.

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You (Screenname)- flower86

Total relationship length- 3 yr

Who initiated the breakup- He did but we kind of agreed because of distance and age difference (he is younger)

Weeks since breakup- 4

Have you or her broke NC since the split- both for 2 weeks after the breakup, but i went NC after 2 weeks and just disappeared.Could not deal with the contact.

Your ultimate goal? Would also love to be with him, miss him terribly but at this point i think the best for both of us is to move on. I am hoping we can be together in the future though, when the time is right. Need to stick to no contact, in order to move on.

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You (Screenname) - purpleberry

Total relationship length - 6 yr

Who initiated the breakup - He did

Weeks since breakup - 3 months

Have you or her broke NC since the split - first two weeks I broke NC twice to try to salvage the relationship, after that I have been NC until now (2 months!)

Your ultimate goal? - I miss the relationship. But he has moved on since BU I do not think there is any chance left. I am moving on. In the future if we meet again (highly unlikely as we live in different continents), maybe we will talk.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You (Screenname)- Hope2011

Total relationship length- 3 years

Who initiated the breakup- She did

Weeks since breakup- Almost three months

Have you or her broke NC since the split- I initiated NC one month ago, she broke it to ask a question about personal things I have, photos and videos of us, after that I have not heard back from her again.

Your ultimate goal? My ultimate goal is to have her back in my life and treat her much better. I want to be happy but I know I can not be friends with her right now. I was naive and immature when I was with her which created the mean side to come out and hurt her. My goal is to grow and be happy again. I do love her and long for her to reconnect back into my life, but I must move on before I ever can get her again.

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You (Screenname) - Penseur

Total relationship length - 6 months

Who initiated the breakup - I did officially, but she was checked out a couple of weeks prior.

Weeks since breakup - 25 weeks -- yeah, I know.

Have you or her broke NC since the split? Continually. Mainly by her via text and email, and also in person. I am guilty of this too. This is largely because we have to see each other a minimum of 4 times per week (small school). Now that we are on winter break, I have set up boundaries, and we are not to have contact until forced when school resumes (and even then hopefully more NC).

Your ultimate goal? I honestly don't know. A large part of me definitely wants her back; that cannot be denied. I have reached out in a concrete fashion 2 times over the last 6 months, both of which resulted in "rejection." So another large part of me just wants to move on.

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You (Screenname) - AnnaN

Total relationship length - 4 years

Who initiated the break up - he did

Weeks since the break up - 8 weeks today

Have you or him broke NC since the split? - Twice, once a few days after BU, a short, simple how are you doing convo (hoping he had changed his mind), the second, I texted him a happy birthday message, he called me back to thank me, we talked for a couple of minutes, all general and pointless for me.

Your ultimate goal? - I am not sure, a large part of me wants him back but I know nothing would be as it used to be. I really think that now that I have learnt he is a totally different person, if I want him back, it may be because I am afraid that I won't find anyone else like him (like he was during our relationship). But I want to try, in order to know that at least I did fight for what I wanted.

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You (Screenname) - cbzfmoc

Total relationship length - almost 2 yr

Who initiated the breakup - He did

Weeks since breakup - 2.5 weeks

Have you or her broke NC since the split - yes, I broke it twice. first time i texted him if he wanted his stuff back (he responded). second time i sent an apology email (no response)

Your ultimate goal? - Not sure. Would like to get back with him but probably won't happen. I would love to be friends with him since we were best friends before the relationship but that too is uncertain as we all know how post-break-up friendships usually work (as in they don't)

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You (Screenname) - AinsleyAdams

Total relationship length - 4.5 years

Who initiated the breakup - Well.... if I didn't go "something isn't right" I don't know how long he would have strung me along

Weeks since breakup - 4.5 days.

Have you or her broke NC since the split - He has - Me, I'm working on it.

Your ultimate goal? - Would love to talk with him more, see what truly went wrong (I feel he is withholding, something BIGGER) - I would love to rekindle what seemed so perfect. Im with cbzfmoc - I'd like to be friends at least... one day??

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You (Screenname) - Chellyv

Total relationship length - 2 years almost

Who initiated the breakup - he did

Weeks since breakup - 7 weeks

Have you or her broke NC since the split - I did only to try and collect money owed. Not worth the pain of restoring contact. Walked away without the $. I am ok right now, I miss him sporadically, but mostly realistic that it will just not work out. We both have different goals and expectations in a relationship.

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You (Screenname) - Scottman2020

Total relationship length - 3 months

Who initiated the breakup - She did

Weeks since breakup - 4

Have you or her broke NC since the split - 1 week NC at the start, then I broke it, and we went light contact for a couple weeks. Floundering between LC and NIC right now, mostly because we work together in a fairly social environment.

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You (Screenname) - ewr

Total relationship length - 15 months

Who initiated the breakup - Her

Weeks since breakup - 5

Have you or her broke NC since the split - NO

Your ultimate goal? - Stop thinking about her, stop idealizing our relationship, see her for the cheating user she really is, find myself and be happy with me, so I don't end up here again.

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You (Screenname) - smitty9999

Total relationship length - 20 yr

Who initiated the breakup - She did

Weeks since breakup - 5 but also previouse 3 years

Have you or her broke NC since the split - no/yes?

Your ultimate goal? - it finally ended tonight. She wants to move on. Too much water under the bridge to recover

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You (Screenname) - Ryan2600

Total relationship length - 2,5 yr

Who initiated the breakup - He did

Weeks since breakup - 49 (I think)

Have you or her broke NC since the split - I did, many times. He did only once.

Your ultimate goal? - Can't quite call it a goal, I only wish he would get counselling or something and love himself better. Maybe then we could be together again, but there's no way I want the old relationship back - too unhealthy.

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You (Screenname) - Scottman2020

Total relationship length - 3 months

Who initiated the breakup - She did

Weeks since breakup - 4

Have you or her broke NC since the split - 1 week NC at the start, then I broke it, and we went light contact for a couple weeks. Floundering between LC and NIC right now, mostly because we work together in a fairly social environment.


Forgot my goal: Be friends at least similar to how we were before; chatting, IMing, gaming together. Dear God, I hope that's possible now, all things considered....

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You (Screenname) - Melanie6929

Total relationship length - Almost 4 yrs

Who initiated the breakup - It was kinda mutual but he made it official.

Weeks since breakup - 4 weeks

Have you or her broke NC since the split - Yes. We had to live together for about a week. Then, I broke NC a couple times by text and he did once. Nothing good came out of it but realizing that we shouldn't talk or be friends right now.

Your ultimate goal? - Get over him. I don't wanna think about the possibility of us being together unless he magically realizes what he did wrong and fixes himself. I doubt that would happen though. I wouldn't mind being friends later on down the road, only if my feelings for him disappeared.

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total relationship length 2 years

Who initiated the break up me (but he doesnt want to talk abt our future together )

weeks since break up 2 .5

have you broken NC I did once and got emotional on the phone and tried to tell him how bad i feel a week ago and since then NC

ultimate goal I still have a hope but I want to move on and find someone who is not selfish like him

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