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Recognize my boss from POF!


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I don't know if he has made the connection, or if he recognizes me from my pictures. He hasn't said anything if he did.

He wasn't the one who hired me and I had only spoken with him about work related things on the phone and via email.

On POF I remember him very clearly, even though it was some time ago since I last used that site because he asked if we could chat on facebook, or on msn. I declined as I don't use msn, and I do not give out my facebook over POF. I instead gave him my email address (which thankfully is NOT the one I use for work) and he asked me "not to forget about him"

Months later I get this job. I've recently been given more responsibilities, which lead to me working directly with him in person. We got to chatting and we talked about some of our hobbies, mine are unique, I knit and play the banjo... who does that? My POF profile has pictures of me doing both these things, and when people message me they often ask if I "really play the banjo" At this point I have not made the connection. His POF pictures were all professional shots with fantastic lighting, and flattering angles.

I am a chronic "googler" and when I got off today I plugged his name in to google. Up comes his linked-in profile... with a picture I recognize. The guy from POF.

OMG eep.

Now what?

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So did you guys do anything other than an initial chat? You never went out correct?


I wouldn't give it much thought. If he doesn't bring it up I wouldn't either and let it roll on by.


Its a small world and when you bring in the internet it widens it up a bit - don't think that this is the last time something such as this will ever happen.


I mean unless you called him a big baboon or something don't sweat it!

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Wow, crazy. He may not remember you though. Some guys on those sites message SO many women. I've had guys message me a second time, not remembering that they've already messaged me a first time a few months back, or even weeks, and I've said I wasn't interested. I wouldn't bring it up at all and just hope he forgets since if you bring it up that could get very awkward very fast. He could be the type to just laugh about it though, but I dunno since he said not to forget him lol.

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Wow, crazy. He may not remember you though. Some guys on those sites message SO many women. I've had guys message me a second time, not remembering that they've already messaged me a first time a few months back, or even weeks, and I've said I wasn't interested. I wouldn't bring it up at all and just hope he forgets since if you bring it up that could get very awkward very fast. He could be the type to just laugh about it though, but I dunno since he said not to forget him lol.


Hah. I've done that several times.

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