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Energy Drinks


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Amp, the blue one, it tastes like sour keys candy.

Rockstar, the red one, it tastes like fruit punch.

Beaver Buzz - I don't know what the flavor is but it tastes so good it brings tears to my eyes as I savor every beautiful moment spent drinking it.

NOS - The citrus one tastes like Beaver Buzz, though I wouldn't classify it as 'citrus'. The purple one is good too. All of them are good.


And then usually in between those I will drink Monster. Not my favourite but just for something different as if I drink the same ones for too long, they tend to not have the same effect for some reason.


I don't typically go by the health facts on the can because, honestly, I am not drinking them for the health benefits, if there even are any to be had. I am drinking them because I am addicted to them, plain and simple. It has also gotten to the point where I would prefer them over soda, as some of the flavours are just impressive... I mean really. I could write songs about them.

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To be honest, all energy drinks are pretty much just crap i.e. a load of chemicals.


Best not to drink any.


This, also. I ended up with Kidney stones a few years ago and when I went to get my results, I was in the middle of drinking one can with another under my arm. The doctor looked at me and asked "How many of those do you drink?" and I embarrassingly admitted that I was on my 5th, with the sixth ready to go and WHO KNOWS HOW MANY MORE I'LL DRINK TODAY I AM AN ADDICT. He then explained that in someone so young, kidney stones aren't as common, but most likely the fact that I live off these drinks and not flushing them out with water meant that they were building up in my system - the chemicals were forming crystals in my kidneys and that's what led to my stones. He advised me to cut back, but really that I shouldn't be drinking them at all, which I did for a bit but I'm slowly working my way back into that black hole of chemical-y goodness.


So. Just a heads up, guys. But obviously don't go by my lead.

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Lol... you are drinking chemicals!!!! Fake made in the lab stuff. Mega-corps are fighting research to keep everything tight-lip, thats why you only have small studies and word of mouth when it comes to the danger of that garbage.


I have been drinking soda, just as bad. It might be in my head, but I feel I am losing definition in my muscles now that i keep drinking it. But oh man.... the soda is right in my fridge right now... its on its side, just laying there without a care in the world.. It just needs to be loved... thats it.... thats all. Ehhh, i never keep it in the fridge, but i had company... company that doesnt DRINK SODA!!!

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Lol... you are drinking chemicals!!!! Fake made in the lab stuff. Mega-corps are fighting research to keep everything tight-lip, thats why you only have small studies and word of mouth when it comes to the danger of that garbage.


I have been drinking soda, just as bad. It might be in my head, but I feel I am losing definition in my muscles now that i keep drinking it. But oh man.... the soda is right in my fridge right now... its on its side, just laying there without a care in the world.. It just needs to be loved... thats it.... thats all. Ehhh, i never keep it in the fridge, but i had company... company that doesnt DRINK SODA!!!


Can't drink that crap if you want to get shredded mate.


Water and tea only.

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Hi Snowy,

Energy drinks are created to give energy for a fairly long time period and some other benefits of energy drinks are:

Energy drink have less calories, and helps in losing weight. Energy drink increases stamina.


Notsureifserious. Are you trolling?


That's the most incorrect thing I've ever heard.


I could write a 1000 word essay on this, but I'll keep things short.


Energy drinks are basically loaded with 2 things (very similar to Coke):

- Sugar

- Caffeine


Caffeine increases the brain's alertness for a period of time, but excessive consumption is unhealthy.


The sugar is basically where all the energy comes from, but this energy doesn't last long at all. The massive amounts of sugar will cause an insulin spike which will give you a massive gain in energy, but only for a short period of time (~30 minutes). After this period, your body will crash as all the sugars has been processed.


Also, you're more likely to gain weight if you don't burn off all the sugar quickly.

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  • 8 months later...
Notsureifserious. Are you trolling?


That's the most incorrect thing I've ever heard.


I could write a 1000 word essay on this, but I'll keep things short.


Energy drinks are basically loaded with 2 things (very similar to Coke):

- Sugar

- Caffeine


Caffeine increases the brain's alertness for a period of time, but excessive consumption is unhealthy.


The sugar is basically where all the energy comes from, but this energy doesn't last long at all. The massive amounts of sugar will cause an insulin spike which will give you a massive gain in energy, but only for a short period of time (~30 minutes). After this period, your body will crash as all the sugars has been processed.


Also, you're more likely to gain weight if you don't burn off all the sugar quickly.



nvm old thread

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I try to avoid all of them I never believe that they are loaded with vitamins and other things to "help" the body out, it's just coffee and sugar, lots of sugar. I drink plenty of coffee through out the day so energy drinks have no effect........but if I ever do drink them, i'll drink a red bull, or a red rain, it mixes good with a protein skate pre workout

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I used to be addicted to energy drinks, mostly the diet rockstar in the white can and then the yellow rockstar recovery. The white one made me act sort of crazy, so I switched to the yellow one because it was more recovery than energy, but now I've cut all of them out because I don't think they're good for me. Btw, I hate red bull, I think it tastes bad compared to the others. I used to like Full Throttle, the silver diet can, a couple of years ago.

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