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Very IMPORTANT meeting in 20 MINS!! *PANIC****


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Yes breathing


Take in a breath through your nose for a count of four

Hold it for a count of four

Breathe out for a count of four

Hold it for a count of four


repeat several times


This regulates the flow of oxygen to the brain and has a calming effect.

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Deep breaths - in through the nose, hold for a few seconds and then out through the mouth.

In future get yourself some Bach Rescue Remedy, it's an all natural flower essence and it works miracles for helping in stressful situations and keeping you calm. I swear by it, use it all the time and carry it with me in my handbag wherever i go, won't leave the house without it.

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Meeting over. Thanks so much to everyone who replied. I wonder sometimes if I have an anxiety problem that needs to be treated.


The meeting was so-so everything went well, but I didn't really accomplish what I had wanted to (this was a small possibility anyway). I did get some more info on how to go about it, but it looks like an uphill battle.

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I think we all experience anxiety/panic when there are very important things on the line... however, if you are experiencing them in normal everyday routine things like going to the store then perhaps you should seek some help for it. I think what you experienced today was completely normal and while you didn't accomplish everything you wanted at least you didn't blow it? Good job!

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I think we all experience anxiety/panic when there are very important things on the line... however, if you are experiencing them in normal everyday routine things like going to the store then perhaps you should seek some help for it. I think what you experienced today was completely normal and while you didn't accomplish everything you wanted at least you didn't blow it? Good job!



Thanks! It doesn't happen everyday, but there are some things I forgot to say that I should have brought up. Those I will have to send an email for, but the environment was PERFECT to bring them up. Sigh.

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I can't think of something similar I've attended and didn't later reflect why didn't I say this or that? I think most of us are guilty of second guessing.


Email is perfect! For starters it lets the reader be reminded of what took place in the meeting as well as establish some additional points. It can open up a dialogue if the reader has questions without them having to approach you first. And, lastly an email is not directly taking up someone else's time as they can get to it at their own pace unlike a follow up phone call.


Pat yourself on the back! The hardest part - the meeting to get the ball rolling is behind you!

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