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do anti-depressants help your relationships with other?

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do they help you socialize better? i have clinical depression, been having it for a few years, finally found a free care clinic provided to me by my doctor because she saw a lot of mysterious damages in my health.... so, that's where she took me next.

anyway, i'm always really afraid of people. why? i'd say i've been jumped so many times as a kid growing up.. random girls i didn't even know existed would try to run me over in their car as i would walk home from school... my bf's cousin's harassed me through my early teenage years until recently, and then some. i'm just all and all a very easy target to pick on because i'm a very small human being and have no family to back me up, other than my mom, i don't have a possy/clique, and i'm also not very confrontational. hell, if i were a bully, i'd totally pick on me.

as a result, i'm an utter, nervous mess. i'm always anxious, afraid... i'm afraid to get jumped like i would when i was a little kid.

it makes me sick. i'm afraid to go to certain places where i know i'll be alone and i know i'll be forced to face people who don't like me.. such as school/church. A friend of mine who took zoloft told me the drug was a miracle for him. sure, he'd acknowledge when things were "sad", but they didn't necessarily affect him. i have a serious problem with my anxiety, idk if taking something would potentially help me deal with things, relax, and not be so afraid of people who have harmed me? i'd just like to not be affected by this overwhelming feeling anymore.i can't even sleep.

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OMG....I really feel for you. Yes, I definitely think that you should look into anti-depressants; they will help you. I am so sorry that you were bullied as a child. Do you have any counseling for that? Please keep coming back to this site. You will find many caring people here.. ..chi

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Hello. I've been bullied my entire life, including this very moment of my life. I feel like by now I should be used to this and I should be incredibly thick skinned, by life has done the exact opposite. I was once a bit more bold and defensive, as to where now I am and feel like a little flea.

My behavior is irrational. I tend to hide in a shell because confronting my bullies has literally ended in throw downs... and i don't like physical confrontaion, but for some reason, punching people in the face is how girls and guys solve things down south. So, to avoid those circumstances, knowing my physical and emotional disadvantage, I hide. I'm tired of hiding though, and since I've recovered from my stay in the hospital, my mom is pushing me back to school, where I will have to face all the people I have been trying to avoid. It's making me lose so much sleep.

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When it gets to the point where it affects your life, you need to get on anti-depressants. Then, begin exercise. There are thousands of studies that show exercise decreases anxiety, depression, etc. However, it's mentally even more challenging to begin working out when you're already crippled by mental illness (just the technical word im using here).


My mom had severe depression...got some anti-depressants, is doing amazing now. They work. But, make sure you don't rely just on them for the rest of your life. Best of luck.

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thank you, that really gives me hope that they'll work. I've been afraid to take medication because my sister took anti-depressants and suffered terrible hallucinations and anxiety attacks. that really scared my family and myself, but i'm willing to take advice. I'd say i react well to medication.... I've taken many hard narcotics and my body receives them well. i don't know if anti-depressants or anti anxiety pills would be more drastic, since i don't know if they affect my hormones or something (not sure how those work)? only problems I've ever faced with medication include birth-control pills, which make me very sick, as well as "one a day" multi-vitamin.

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