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Erotic dreams


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Dreams of any kind can have various meanings, or even no meaning. Perhaps those more sexual in nature are fueled by our fantasies and desires. Not being an expert on the matter, I can't give specific examples of dreams and their potential meanings. But yes, dreams are fascinating in nature.

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I have had dreams before of the fear of being naked in public, and constantly trying to hide, because I had no clothes. This has never really happened to me before, and never will, with the exception of the men's locker room. I have never had a wet dream before. Maybe some men masterbate in their sleep, without knowing it, and then call it a wet dream in the morning?

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Heres a dream youll get a cookie if you can explain. Wouldnt really call it erotic though.


Im on the floor, legs spread out but im sitting up supporting myself with my arms. Standing over me is a Woman in a long trench coat. She has her back to me but shes holding a rifle, an old rifle, WW2 style. She turns around and I realise its my girlfriend, she smiles at me, raises the rifle and fires. I keep my eyes focused on her but she is expressionless and just turns and starts to walk away. For a second I think she missed and then I feel warm blood running along my left leg. I then realise she shot off my left testicle. I lie back down bleeding and question myself if this is a dream. Then I decide it is and tell myself to wake up.

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Wow raaawr that's got to have some sort of emasculation/unhealthy dominance thing going on lol!


I used to get dreams my teeth were falling out and apparently it's a sign of self doubt/low confidence!


Erotic dreams, man some of those I have been damn near close to climaxing in!

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