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Just put on Effexor and Clonazepam...scared youknowwhat-less


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Hey all. To make a long story short, I have been depressed for as long as I can remember. Severe depression with small pockets of excessive productivity and happiness. I have extreme anxiety and panic attacks as well. I grew up in an abusive and neglectful home. Maybe that was the problem, maybe it wasn't.

Lately I have been especially depressed and suicidal to the point my friends have a suicide watch they think I don't know about. Basically always someone in contact, tell each other when I'm saying weird things, etc. I finally decided to seek some help.


Long story short, I was put on clonazepam PRN 6 days ago. It has helped more than I can express. I have not had a panic attack in almost a week, I am not angry, my friends say it's like all the problems are gone. Of course, this is a benzo, and my doc won't put me on it long term...We had a heated argument about antidepressants and finally he convinced me to try Venlafaxine XR (Effexor, generic). Fine. He has started me on a dose of 37.5mg per day and wants me to double it in a week. He wants to keep me on that low dose and give me small amounts of clonazepam to use as needed. He gave me more clonazepam for now as my anxiety is ridiculous, and just the fact that I'm taking a new drug has me freaking out. I have already read about all the horrible things that can happen.


What I want is just some facts about your personal experiences, whether with effexor or this combination. I don't want to be on this * * * * forever. I am just in a time in my life where it's do it or die, literally.


What did effexor do for you? How long until you noticed it working, if it worked? Weight gain or loss? What is it like taken with clonazepam? I'm very anxious atm after taking my first dose but not sure if I should add this just yet. What side effects did you experience? If you rely on creativity, did you notice any effect on this? Anyone know if this can be taken with Aniracetam or similar to counter-act and cognitive dysfunction it might cause? What else should I know?


Lastly, I am a fairly regular cannabis user. It is the only reason I have not killed myself in over 8 years of constantly wanting to. It has literally immediately killed (excuse the pun) suicidal impulses. I read conflicted reports about the concurrent use of Effexor and cannabis. If it makes a difference, I vaporize, I do not smoke. What is/was your experience?

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Hey all. To make a long story short, I have been depressed for as long as I can remember. Severe depression with small pockets of excessive productivity and happiness. I have extreme anxiety and panic attacks as well. I grew up in an abusive and neglectful home. Maybe that was the problem, maybe it wasn't.

Lately I have been especially depressed and suicidal to the point my friends have a suicide watch they think I don't know about. Basically always someone in contact, tell each other when I'm saying weird things, etc. I finally decided to seek some help.


You sound like you could be bipolar. I dont know when you visited your doctor but if it was only recently he is probably still trying to figure out what it is.


If you are diagnosed with bipolar disorder its medication pretty much for life Im afraid.

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I have thought Bi Polar or Borderline for a while now. My closest friends think both are likely. I refuse to be on drugs for the rest of my life...for 6 months I was okay, during that time I ate a 100% raw food diet. If it comes down to having to do that (though it was so damn hard to maintain) then I choose that over taking drugs until the day I die.


My main concern is that most of these drugs frequently cause extreme weight gain. I was overweight as a young child and developed anorexia, then years later, bulimia. It was 6 years before I was back to semi-normal eating patterns. I cannot deal with major weight gain - that will only make my depression much worse.


I have seen this doctor before but he is NOT a psychiatrist. I would like to see one for a formal diagnosis as I know this is important, but it seems they really don't want to see you around here unless, say, your family calls in after a suicide attempt. When I attempted my mother told me I was * * * * and to go rot, so I don't see that happening. I guess I can go into the crisis centre freaking out (which I'm good at) and hope they let me see someone.


I decided not to take the Effexor for the time being. I'm terrified of it, especially reading about how people aren't able to come off it ever. Yuck. I was addicted to drugs as a teenager and don't feel like doing it again just because it's legally sanctioned and lines many pockets. At the same time, long term clonazepam (which has been a godsend and has even gotten me exercising and going out again here and there) has a high risk of worsening depression.


I don't know what to do and I can't trust doctor's who make commission off the drugs they are giving to me...

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