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The REBOUNDER!! WOULD love your take on it


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Guys I've been posting on here and finding great support. Thank you all.


Together 2.5yrs. Lived together traveled together worked at some places together. Best relationship he ever had. But needed to work on himself, find a career in what he's passionate about.He's 48. We had ups n down no doubts. So he decided to go back to the USA to volunteer. I supported it. Figured he'd be a happier person and would have more to give the relationship if he got himself into a good space (was depressed). He had said he hadn't given up on us, and still hoped we could make us work.

He has been kissing a girl there who came onto him...10days after he got there...could be doing more than kissing by now.....ew...... But she has a bf and she goes back to him in a few weeks? He said she isn't as hot as me,, as young, as slim or kiss as well. He said that it's a sweet thing?! & told her he doesn't want sex......What does ex really get from this? It's just a fling thing....but why even bother right?

Obviously needy and insecure.

But why dishonor what we had for something that ur not even really into and you aren't as attracted to her as your ex?

I am trying to move on and have strict nc since I found out and will continue to.

Just like some feedback on it.

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Well it's comforting to know that men really mature from the age of 22 to 48. I was recently left because my ex wanted to be alone and figure his life out...that still happens at 48?!


This guy sounds ridiculous and possibly immature. To go find yourself and hook up with someone? I hate men, i really do. Actually, i hate BOYS. Chances are he probably is just using her for his own pleasures, as disgusting and slimy as that is. I would absolutely go with the NC thing and during this time ask yourself if this is someone you really want. He doesn't seem worth the time at all, he sounds like he doesn't know what the hell he wants out of life or a relationship.

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Well we were on a break, in contact every other day. He said if it were me telling him he would feel like total sh1t. We would sometimes get a lil kinky on skype when we chatted, and we did that day before he told me. I do feel like 10days into a break is dishonoring what you had. Am I off the mark on this?

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LOL! Rebellfleur.. Yeah he really doesn't know what he wants... so many people say that about him...love you today, leave ya tomor.

The fact that he shows up online n doesn't reach out kinda shows me what a plonker he is, how immature he is. And the thing is he'll just bury his head in the snow rather than face the music.

As for her .....If I could I'd probably tell her bf ....but I wont.

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  • 11 months later...
Well we were on a break, in contact every other day. He said if it were me telling him he would feel like total sh1t. We would sometimes get a lil kinky on skype when we chatted, and we did that day before he told me. I do feel like 10days into a break is dishonoring what you had. Am I off the mark on this?


A break = a break up and you are allowing yourself to be an emotional crutch to him while he has his fun on the side. Do not allow yourself to be used like this and go nc with him. He needs to realize this is unacceptable behavior hence formulating two fake relationships based only on the foundation of his happiness, not yours or the other girl's.

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