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Fat girl Flying 1500 miles to meet hot man. HELP


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Lol im 5'8 not 5'1 so thats a bonus XD but ty


i also decided to post a pic of myself i just now took. fresh from the shower! (say this cause i dont want u all thinking i have greasy hair its just wet lol) ignore the dark circles hard work week and been sleeping so little QQ

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5'8", that reminds me of my co-worker who was also on the heavy side and around that height. But something about her was just SOOO HOT! She looked nothing like the models you see in magazines, but she had curves. She knew how to carry herself too. I would actually fantasize being with her.

You didn't say you weren't 200 lbs, so I'll assume that you are, and I think women who are 5'8" 200 lbs can be really attractive (like my co-worker). Why don't you see yourself that way?


Btw, personality can sky rocket someone's attractiveness, or shoot it down. That's why some guys might find themselves unattracted to some supermodel 10s because of their personality, or some girls will find a fat guy attractive, and prefer to call him fluffy.

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I think you shouldnt be insecure and just enjoy it. You two will get it on because I think that's what both of you really want any way and usually it happens when two people have been suppressing it for so long.

However I will say this because I did have an online relationship once... It's different when you are with someone face to fear and with them talking over a webcam or Messaging them.

Expect the 1st night to go well because you both have built this loving relationship on cyber and now you meet so its supposed to be a happy time that you both got what u always dreamed of. Just don't expect the honeymoon to last... There are factors to this but I think you know what they are and that's why you r worry.

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Geez Batya, your post has my spidey senses reeling a bit. What if he's some total crazy nutter, and is pissed as all get that that she lied to him like this for 2 years, and plans on bringing some friends to rough her up in the hotel room? I mean, it's Vegas. And people go to Vegas when they want to avoid their own backyard...


It makes no sense that he would send her $500 in cash, and he wouldn't just spend that money to fly to her town, or fly her to his for a quick meet. It doesn't add up, when you think about it.


Also, NO ONE stays in Vegas for a week. Two, three days tops. That's all anyone can ever handle. lol


They're staying in Vegas because it's a great place to hide and cover tracks (or even if he's not a criminal, he's probably married or attached and he can say it's a business deal or at the very least make a quick getaway where she doesn't know where he lives and can't stalk him even if she did)


OP I think when a woman posts about meeting a stranger (yes, for safety purposes he is especially since he already knows you're ready to have sex with him) in Vegas and plans to stay in a hotel with him after "dinner" you have to expect a reaction like that. More news stories every day about what can happen when people behave like you are (and on top of that he knows you deceived him, if not now, in the past so a long term involvement with you is not on his mind -all the more reason to be concerned about safety).

What kind of background checks have you run on him? Who do you know in Vegas who will know that you are there and what you're supposed to be doing there and when? What will you do if he tries to hurt you in some way -or someone who he has join you in the hotel room- my guess is that you haven't thought about any of this much less made plans because of your insecurities about your physical appearance and your focus on his claim to be well-endowed (and since when is that connected to chemistry or pleasure - especially the first time you have sex with someone you just met in person?)


Examine why you are holding so little regard for yourself- and now he knows that you have this self-esteem problem so he can use that to his advantage too.


If he were a good, stand up guy he would never suggest meeting in Vegas for a week -he'd come to your hometown, book a hotel room for himself and take you to lunch and then take you on dates while he's in town so that you could get to know each other in public and in a safe environment for you. Obviously he has the money to do that or he wouldn't have sent a near stranger $500.

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My instincts are telling me also that he has someone.. But you will know soon enough..


But you know what..you will never know unless you meet each other. If you have the money to be able to take a flight back home the next day and emergency money for hotel and food. Than its just another date in my book. Make sure your family knows where you are and you check in regularly, Have fun and see how life after online dating suits the two of you.


It might just all be about having a lot of sex that week. But a week is a looooong time to spend with someone where there is no actual chemistry. So you will deal with that as you go along. You are both hungry for each other. So have fun..prepare..and then wait what happens after...because that is usually where the truth happens..


I know we big girls can never shake the body insecurities when confronted with men we like. But you will shake those after the first 5 minutes upon meeting. Get your sexy smile on..and be ready to go and have fun in Las Vegas


If anyone wants to buy me a ticket for a week of 9,5 inches of fun with a hot guy..I'll be right there LOL ;-)...(nah just kidding really haha)

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Does anyone else here remember that ENA posting by that very upset girl that met up with some guy she met online? They went to bed together and screwed, and the next day he told her "Um, you're actually fatter than your picture showed". Then he dumped her. This one seems so similar.

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Does anyone else here remember that ENA posting by that very upset girl that met up with some guy she met online? They went to bed together and screwed, and the next day he told her "Um, you're actually fatter than your picture showed". Then he dumped her. This one seems so similar.


That's the risk you take when meeting someone online. You don't know if there will be physical chemistry even with current up to date photos and web cam session etc. That's why it's important to just be honest with who you are.

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I think you guys are being unfair on her. When I read her post, I didn't think she had tried to lie to anyone. Isn't it basically expected that you're going to make up a fantasy image when you play games online? It's not like she posted a fake picture on a dating site. I would have thought it is rare for someone to post their real picture in a game. It's fantasy.


When things started getting more serious, she did go on the webcam and show her true self. It's pretty difficult to hide what you look like when you're doing a full body/face shot in real time. It's not like photos, where you can go through 100 shots and choose the most flattering one. He knows what she looks like. And I'm sure she is beautiful. Many men love a full figured woman and she probably doesn't give herself enough credit. We are always our own worst critics.


I do, however, agree about the safety aspect. He could be a serial killer, for all we know. Or married. Or diseased. WAY too much risk to take, in my opinion.

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But she said he's seen her face on web cam right?


He's seen everything...


The guy knows how she looks like..


But whether you are both cute or not..meeting in rl is always different..

Always different.. But they have not only been building a physical attraction..also an emotional one. Could still be about experiencing the fat vajayjay..but hey..whatever. She's a young woman. If in the end they won't make it she will find herself another sexy guy...


I wouldnt worry so much really..


But you are most likely going to have alot of fun. However...I do wonder if your contact with him has only been very late at night or during the days.

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I still wonder why if he had the money for a plane ticket and to send you cash why he didn't just fly to your hometown, or the major city closet to your hometown. That would really show that he was interested and upstanding when she didn't have the funds to reciprocate and meet him somewhere. I guess that is the part that makes me nervous. Truth be told, in the past I met someone online, but we talked on the phone for a long, long time before meeting and started with just one weekend in case. I would think the Las Vegas thing would happen later when you had already met but that is just me.


I agree with having a friend have your complete itinerary - flight numbers and times, hotel room number - just in case. I would say a friend instead of your mother. That is a little strange to me my mom knowing "hey, my daughter is busy banging a guy - i am going to check on her".


Anyway, just make sure you use condoms. You may be on bc, but it doesn't protect against stds

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Yes and of course there's far easier access to and encouragement of alcohol in Vegas than if they met in her hometown -not a good or safe way to get to know someone.

I agree that her decision to stop deceiving him is a good sign of her character and honesty but most men who are looking for a long term stable relationship - and are themselves stable - don't have to settle for someone who was so deceitful for such a long period of time. Perhaps he figures that she'll cut him slack when she learns what he's been lying about.

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I have been reading your post again..


But please have a cam session in daylight where you show him all of you..not naked..just you. second ask if he can send a copy of his id..just for your mom..until you come back home safely.


I wouldn't send anyone a copy of my ID before meeting the person in person- she can misuse the information or email it to other people. Better that she runs a background check on him and then gives the information to her mother or a trusted friend/relative.

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I wouldn't send anyone a copy of my ID before meeting the person in person- she can misuse the information or email it to other people. Better that she runs a background check on him and then gives the information to her mother or a trusted friend/relative.


Ah we dont have that sort of thing here in the Netherlands..and between people who have 'known' each other for that long it shouldnt be that much of a problem. But if a background check is easier to do..do that!..


Or ask for a copy of his flight itinerary or booked hotel. the details will state his name , address etc..and if anything would happen..her mom has details.

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I agree with Batya. The OP needs to be very very careful and honest, and upfront before she meets this guy. Also, she is comparing herself to him by saying he is amazingly hot etc. Well, we havent seen him so he may not be everyone's version of hot, he be kinda average or whatever and may not have the personality many find attractive, so what im saying is, he could just be an average guy so to speak. Anyway considering they both sound like they are both up for having fun, does the OP believe a physical 'real' relationship will develop from this meeting? if so, i think that may be where she is going to be disappointed...

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Yes and of course there's far easier access to and encouragement of alcohol in Vegas than if they met in her hometown -not a good or safe way to get to know someone.

I agree that her decision to stop deceiving him is a good sign of her character and honesty but most men who are looking for a long term stable relationship - and are themselves stable - don't have to settle for someone who was so deceitful for such a long period of time. Perhaps he figures that she'll cut him slack when she learns what he's been lying about.

By your posts I think u have been deciecved bad bysome.man

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That's the risk you take when meeting someone online. You don't know if there will be physical chemistry even with current up to date photos and web cam session etc. That's why it's important to just be honest with who you are.




OP, I haven't read through all the posts but I did want to make a comment about the whole safety thing. I actually can't preach about it - I myself flew to New York to meet my now husband for the first time - for all I knew he could have been a serial killer. I watch crime shows were it does turn out to be a serial killer but you just have to be careful of your own safety. No one here or IRL can talk you out of going but just be careful. If my husband had, for whatever reason, given be a weird vibe, I never wold have went back to the apartment with him. Listen to your gut if anything feels off. And if you have never met him before prepare yourself for the fact the feelings online MAY not progress over real life. they can but they can also not.

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I am a very good read on people and I had no weird vibes from the great on paper/excellent catch guy who I met through a personal ad and who ended up sexually harassing/assualting me (on our second date) and several of my friends over the years. Nothing substitutes for getting to know someone over a period of time.

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By your posts I think u have been deciecved bad bysome.man


Nope. Just a realist and I hear all the situations that occur and read the papers like every other human being with common sense. Never was cynical or jaded about men, dating or relationships. But I think the OP is taking a very dangerous and unnecessary risk to her safety.

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