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What do you think of this incident?

dark angel9

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I have been with my boyfriend for 10 months and living with him for 3.


We met at a party and earlier that night he talked to and got a number of another girl. She is 11 years younger than him but very hot. He later told me that he made a decision to ask me out instead of her because he thought that she is too young for them to have much in common. I feel like this was logical decision on his part (i.e. he didn't follow his heart when he didn't ask her out). He did add her on Facebook and very soon after she got a boyfriend and it appears to be serious.


I have to admit that I snooped on his computer and he visits her Facebook page about once a week or so. Occasionally he will like her statuses and she will like his. There are no wall posts or private correspondence (I checked). This would be OK if they were friends but they only met that night and she was his potential love interest.


I do not want to come accross as jealous/insecure girlfriend. I am just afraid that he is settling for me and he really wants her.


What do you think?

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So because he likes her statuses that means he wants her instead of you? I think you need to think logically here, it is only a social networking site. You can like things without having alterior motives, i think your over-reacting.


Also you should not be snooping, that is not fair on him, you should trust him. Do not snoop again.

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starting a new relationship is tough. when you start to fall in love, one tends to get a bit insecure.

just be the best you can be with him... be cute, be silly, be sexy, be funny. show him that you are the best, not second best, and

just try to forget that other girl. do yourself a favor and don't look for things to be bothered by. it'll simply make you more insecure.

instead, enjoy your new relationship ! remember, he chose you !


i only encourage snooping when strong evidence points to potential cheating.

otherwise, snooping will just bring unnecessary problems into your life, such as this.

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I do not want to come accross as jealous/insecure girlfriend.


But, you are. I would hardly call her a "love interest", more like someone he found hot and wanted to bang, but then he realized he was looking for a more substantial relationship, which is why he's with YOU.


I suggest not snooping (another sign of your jealousy and insecurity, and a sure relationship killer if you don't get a handle on this), and not manifesting crazy fantasies. Unless you want to sabotage this, then go right ahead. lol

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He had a choice and he chose you. Only that's not good enough because he didn't chose you for enough of the right reason? I don't think it's healthy to assume anything you find by snooping on his Facebook. At this point in the relationship, you should be loving every minute of it and not thinking about what you can snoop into and when. I assure you he would be so turned off to know that you went through his Facebook.


Are you also looking at his internet history? Facebook doesn't tell you when you visited someone's profile. (that I know of)


He is not doing anything to sabotage the relationship. You need to get a handle on that insecurity before you ruin the relationship with it. Get out and have fun with your own friends once in a while. But don't play games and try to make him jealous just because you found this. Be the confident woman he fell in love with.

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I have to admit that I snooped on his computer and he visits her Facebook page about once a week or so. Occasionally he will like her statuses and she will like his. There are no wall posts or private correspondence (I checked). This would be OK if they were friends but they only met that night and she was his potential love interest.


I don't think you can tell if someone visits someone's fb page - unless he's going to it directly via the browser and it comes up in the drop-down list on th browser. Just because he likes her statuses and she likes his means nothing. People 'like' lots of their friends statuses as they appear in the newsfeed. I always click to like funny statuses or pix or different things that people post - it doesn't mean anything at all.

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