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online dating, small world


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So i have been giving this online dating thing a try. Its a bit like online shopping to be honest, the pic stands out first and then i read the label. So it is a very small world. A guy emailed me interest, a couple of emails here and there and we decide to meet up. I give a fake name, for some strange reason i thought this guy may know my sis! When i first saw him i liked his height and he looked okay. The first thing he said was i need to head off at 9, fair enough i thought. Not that into you anyway. The night goes on we have a laugh some common interest. He touches my wrist and says he likes my watch. I remind him he has to get going at 9. On the way to the tube he teases me and talks about cooking (im not great i say). There was a moment of silence and we are approaching his stop and puts his arm over the tube rail just above my head and smiled at me. So good meeting you i say. I didnt see him again.


I soon find out that we have a mutual friend. I told my guy mate that i had a date with his mate through an onlight site and used a fake name. Big mistake, my guy friend has such a big gob. At first it was spread to small group of friends i know, im comfortable with that as i know them well and they wont tell. Next thing i know, he tells it to the guys best mate when were having dinner at a restuarant. They both giggle and repeat such a small world. Few months go by, my friend trys to persuade me to go to these badminton events (because he knows he will be there), no thanks of course.


Strange, after a date with a guy on a thursday, im heading towards the tube and i see my guy mate with his girl and the guy i gave a fake name to. I wanted to hide, tried to get on the next carage, but he shouted my name. So i walked towards them. Online guy couldnt even look at me, like i said, my guy pal has an incredibly BIG GOB! Worst thing is he said to his girl i think we should stay here trying to help me in an already awkward situ, whilst the online guy moved to sit somewhere far.


Then i got invited to a birthday, yes he was there. All night i had his back facing me and some guys trying to introduce me to him and saying have you met X, arrggghhh. Lesson learned.

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I wouldn't give out a fake name again. If you do not want the other person to know your real name then just tell them you are not comfortable telling them that information. You don't need to give out your full name, just a first name is ok. Imagine if you gave out a fake name and you and the guy got on really well and wanted to take it further, you would have to admit to him that you have been lying since the beginning. He would most probably leave.


Basically if you are not comfortable giving out information about yourself on these dating sites then just don't do it, no ones forcing you too.

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I wouldn't give out a fake name again. If you do not want the other person to know your real name then just tell them you are not comfortable telling them that information. You don't need to give out your full name, just a first name is ok. Imagine if you gave out a fake name and you and the guy got on really well and wanted to take it further, you would have to admit to him that you have been lying since the beginning. He would most probably leave.


Basically if you are not comfortable giving out information about yourself on these dating sites then just don't do it, no ones forcing you too.


I have the urge to email him since i found him online and hes still there, partly because we have a mutual friend, also because i thought he was a good bloke. What if i emailed him, to apologise. I wish i had never used a fake name and im on this site because i genuinely want to meet a guy. I wanted to contact him afterwards but felt ashamed of the fake name. Im worried he may ignore, or just spread bad crap about me to his mates.....

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Why not just tell him why you gave a fake name on the site and come clean?? There must be a reason that you did, right? I changed my first name on a dating site because my first name is distinct/unusual. People who don't know me comment on it. I just shortened it. When I actually communicated with a guy to the point of a date, I told him. The name wasn't far off at all. it could have been a typo of a short version of my name.

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Why not just tell him why you gave a fake name on the site and come clean?? There must be a reason that you did, right? I changed my first name on a dating site because my first name is distinct/unusual. People who don't know me comment on it. I just shortened it. When I actually communicated with a guy to the point of a date, I told him. The name wasn't far off at all. it could have been a typo of a short version of my name.


thing is judging by his actions at the party, back facing me all the time. I dont think he'll care for the apology, that upsets me abit.

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