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pissing yur ex girlfriend off


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She dumped me and i am hurt she really pisses me off and i found a good way to piss her off without her knowing it was me.. She has a t-mobile iphone where her and i used to share the same line before without touching her phone i can send any kind of text with her number so i look at the recent calls and text she most gets usually it is from guys she end of sleeping with so i spam those numbers telling them that she has STD and pregnant... I know i am wrong but if you understand what she did to me first place then i think it is a good way to do it back to her??

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* * * ? Grow up dude. As avman said, your actions will simple make her more sure that dumping you was the right thing to do. Amazing that she still has so much power over you that you feel the need to waste time and energy in such a childish manner.


Worry about yourself not her.

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You do know that doing what you did is harassment and either libel or slander (I'm not sure which would apply here) right? If she finds out it was you she could take you to court over this, sue you, get a restraining order etc.


Hopefully the OP is mature enough to realise this..........though judging from his initial plan I would highly doubt it.

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She dumped me and i am hurt she really pisses me off and i found a good way to piss her off without her knowing it was me.. She has a t-mobile iphone where her and i used to share the same line before without touching her phone i can send any kind of text with her number so i look at the recent calls and text she most gets usually it is from guys she end of sleeping with so i spam those numbers telling them that she has STD and pregnant... I know i am wrong but if you understand what she did to me first place then i think it is a good way to do it back to her??


That would be actually hilarious. I am not a politically correct person, so I think it's actually a pretty entertianing way to get back at her. She must have done horrible things to you, I imaging.


Like others said, if you want to do the right thing, then take the high road. Let it go. As for my opinion though, I think it's an interesting way to get back at her. but that's only because I am childish and playful.


Actually after reading your other thread. I definitely approve of this, she need to be shamed. She's a bad mother, who always go out clubbing and pick up random men. If you do this, she will probably have more time to look after her kid instead of going out partying, getting drunk, and laid. She's an irresponsible individual, and you need to get on her case and tell her what she really is. Whether your action is bad or not, only time will tell.

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Entertaining for who?? Assomeone else if the OP's ex gets wind then he is in for some serious **** coming his way. The whole plan is idotic. The clear fact you condone his actions/plans leads me to believe your either in cahoots with the OP or probably just as immature.

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yup, court, jail, and a restraining order are just so funny. If she is such a bad mother call CPS, don't risk jail time for childish behavior.


The OP clearly said he will not be suspected.

"...i found a good way to piss her off without her knowing it was me.. "


Disagree, CPS, might take the kid away from her. That is too cruel.

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Entertaining for who?? Assomeone else if the OP's ex gets wind then he is in for some serious **** coming his way. The whole plan is idotic. The clear fact you condone his actions/plans leads me to believe your either in cahoots with the OP or probably just as immature.

For whomever find it entertianing, obviously.


There is no evidence that the OP will be in serious trouble with the ex. In fact his ex doesn't sound too bright to begin with.


No, I approve of his plan because 1) it is entertianing, 2) the Ex need to be taught a lesson, 3) to straighten her up for her crooked ways. This woman religiously going around partying, get drunk, picking up random guys to get laid. Meanwhile neglecting her kid. I say, humiliate her and straighten her out. I am not political correct, but so what? And I already amid that I am childish.

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The OP clearly said he will not be suspected.

"...i found a good way to piss her off without her knowing it was me.. "


Disagree, CPS, might take the kid away from her. That is too cruel.


I highly doubt there is no way for her to find out. His rage is blinding him. And no, its not cruel if she is an unfit mother. Don't use it as an excuse to harass her and then do nothing to help the kids. That's just selfish and immature. There is nothing cruel about kids being taken from those who fail to care for them, it is cruel to leave kids in a bad situation when you could do something about it.

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I highly doubt there is no way for her to find out. His rage is blinding him. And no, its not cruel if she is an unfit mother. Don't use it as an excuse to harass her and then do nothing to help the kids. That's just selfish and immature. There is nothing cruel about kids being taken from those who fail to care for them, it is cruel to leave kids in a bad situation when you could do something about it.


I don't have psychic power, so therefore, I will take what the OP wrote without any assumption or suspicion. If he think that he will not be exposed, then I will take that statement as it.


In my view, a child should only be taken away from their biological parents only in extreme circumstances. In this case, it does not qualified as extreme circumstances. Although, she is a bad mother.

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Lol, wow. I know revenge seems like such a SMART thing to do, but in the end it's really not. It will come bite you in the butt sooner or later.

with you, prob. sooner because it's obvioussssss the txt was from you.


Wanna know the best revenge ever?

Moving on and being happy. Sporting a genuine, HUGE, smile is always the best revenge.

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i know it is very childish and i shouldn't have of done it but if she did it to me first oh i am going to do it back no matter what.. Only if she hadn't left me in ATL which is 9 hours drive, pop 4 of my tires, broken all my windows, burn all my clothes that i suppose to get the other day, taken my mother grandma ring...

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Then take her to court to get compensated for the damage she had done to your property. Now you can't do that because she can bring charges against you. This is why acting like a child is never a good idea. You could have taken her to the cleaners, gotten a ton of money from her, but now? Your out of luck.


Also that "Well she hit me first!" attitude will ruin any relationship you have in the future. Take some time for self reflection and to grow up a bit.

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