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Should I feel bad for hooking up with women at pubs/clubs?


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I've never really been the kind of guy to want just meaningless sex. However, it is my desire to meet a woman that is suitable for a long term relationship and the main way for a guy in my situation is to meet them through pubs and clubs. The online dating thing is useless because people are way too judgemental and the numbers are stacked against the men.


Is it an expectation that if a guy meets a girl at a pub/club that it's just for sex initially?


I don't want 103954732857 'conquests', I want to know that I have the ability to attract the woman I desire.

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It's not an expections if guy meets a girl at a bar its about sex..


There are girls that go to bars just to hook up with guys for the night..


Bars are really not the best place to meet a long term gf.. its been done.. but still not the best place..

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I think its the best way to meet people regardless at whether you are looking for sex or a long-term partner. My previous and my current relationship were both people I met in a nightclub, I took there numbers and text them the next day and then got to know them from there.

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I don't think meeting people at bars is any worse than online dating. When it's not always acceptable to date coworkers, and you're not in school anymore, where else are you supposed to meet people? Walk up to a random stranger at a grocery store? I guess you could, but how often would you succeed with that lol. I don't see why there's a taboo against meeting people at bars, honestly.

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I don't think meeting people at bars is any worse than online dating. When it's not always acceptable to date coworkers, and you're not in school anymore, where else are you supposed to meet people? Walk up to a random stranger at a grocery store? I guess you could, but how often would you succeed with that lol. I don't see why there's a taboo against meeting people at bars, honestly.


Because people at the bar are usally pretty toast.. its really not the best state of mind to meet someone with depth and quality..


I've always had Goodluck at grocery store or bookstore.. non party good girls are always at the bookstore..


I've meet gf at bars and really not the best place for a king term gf or someone u might marry..


Bars are weird it works in cycles people visit it heavy from 21-25 mainly going to have fun with friends not looking for anything.. but most being lioured up they cross the line..


Just my experience.. all the good girls I've meet with substance have been outside of a bar scence

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The expectation of going to a club is to be hit on and to pursue, just like online dating.


Places like the bookstore, Library, where you may find potentially more sensible people also causes more difficulty in chatting as it is not the primary thing you go there for.

Their head is usually more buried in a book.


So....you have to be more brave if you are to pursue in a bookstore and it's not a cool thing to have a breath smelling of alcohol to give a kick of false courage while there.

I'm sure there are other places as well.

It's all about being able to taking rejection and being able to go back to those places again.

For example, maybe you see someone serving at a movie theater, you find maybe potential dating material, then finding they are taken.

Don't let something like being rejected or being told they are taken make you not go there anymore.

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My sister met her husband and the father of her 3 children in a club. Clubs and bars are not that bad, its the ones who keep returning to that lifestyle of drinking and being social in that type of environment that might be difficult to handle for some. But, personally I hang out in bars a lot, and the girls we hang out with are not sleeping around.


Online dating is annoying. Its all about looks, its difficult to set up attractive triggers when you have you can only be judged by pics and words. I have had many relationships through general social websites like myspace in the past. I tend to target the women that arent looking for someone, who arent getting 100 replies from men.

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