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She asks me to call her after a period of NC then ignores me

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My ex broke up with me in June/July. We had been together for 5 years and living together at the time. She said that she wasn't in love with me anymore.


We were did NC for about 2 weeks and then started to have some contact. I was about to leave on a business trip lasting 3 weeks. The day before I left, she said that she wanted to talk to me in person and that she "meant it." She asked me to call her when I got home.


So I called her when I got home. No answer. No reply to my message saying that I was back. Then I find out that she is seeing somebody else.


I guess I am back into NC and moving on to better things. I can't see that there is anything else that I can do. If she wants to see somebody else and can't even return a phone call with a "thanks for the message" then I don't know what I am wasting my time on.


Does this sound reasonable?

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Hi JohnnyTable,

I agree with AzurePhoenix. Stay in the No Contact mode and work on you. It sounds to me that when she said she wanted to see you that she was either playing games or was not very sure about the new relationship, and I would say probably the latter. Either way she was wrong to do that to you and you know now where you stand.

Good luck.

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Why do you think that her rebound would fail? Maybe it has been something a long time in the making? She started going out with me shortly after leaving somebody else (although they were not extremely close) and we lasted 5 years.


I know little about rebounds. I do know that it is too early for me to start seeing somebody seriously because *I* know that it would fail for me. I know that one does not forget or get over a 5 year relationship that was close to marriage in a matter of weeks or months.

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Okay, it has been a week since I called her to let her know that I was home. No response from her. It is driving me crazy that she goes from "call me when you get back so that we can talk" to just nothing.


I know it has only been a week, but it feels like a long time. It has been a month since we actually spoke to each other and two months since splitting up.

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