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Rejecting a friend invite on FB?


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There's a girl I was nuts about and used to work with. We went on a couple of dates a little over a year ago, and she started to flake without a whole lot of explanation. Then I found out she got a boyfriend, but we still kept it cool and friendly at work. About 4 months ago she quit and I never heard from her again. I had e-mailed her not long after she quit, asking how she was doing but no response. Tonight she friends me on Facebook. 90% of the people I'm friends with are either family or friends I talk to on either a daily or a weekly basis, so I usually ignore friend requests from people I don't really know, but for some reason I feel guilty not acknowledging her request.


What would you do?

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And even if I DID still have feelings for her, why would I want to feel that way about someone who was so flaky to begin with? AND, even if she wasn't flaky, her profile pic is of her and her boyfriend, so it wouldn't even matter if I was still interested in her since she's taken.


Thanks bluidealist24, you helped my thought process along. I think I'll ignore her.

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And even if I DID still have feelings for her, why would I want to feel that way about someone who was so flaky to begin with? AND, even if she wasn't flaky, her profile pic is of her and her boyfriend, so it wouldn't even matter if I was still interested in her since she's taken.


Thanks bluidealist24, you helped my thought process along. I think I'll ignore her.


WEll, if she has a boyfriend, all the more reason to ignore her. You don't need her trying to lead you on on the side or something.

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Don't spoil your facebook by having someone on it you're not really interested to talk to like your other friends and family. If you feel guilty not acknowledging her request, you can send a message with the ignore thing saying you don't use facebook except for catching up with family and certain close friends. If you think that would offfend her, though it shouldn't because surely she doesn't think of herself as a close friend of yours, just ignore the request without explanation. She will get over it, and it won't be any big deal. It's only facebook!

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