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Togging nonsence off


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This has been bugging me for quite awile:


So I attempted to find a date, but it simply did not work. I don't really know how to talk to girls tbh.


I don't really care enough to keep playing these games. It is time to find a more realistic goal. The only thing stopping me from focusing on something else, is the force at the back of my mind pushing me back to the thought of all this relationship nonsence.


So this leads me to my question: Is there a discipline, or otherwise that can help me turn these thoughts off?


It is not that it would not be nice to have a girlfriend, but at the moment, it is more trouble and frusteration then it is worth.


Thanks in advance.

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Hey tbh there are no tried and tested methods that I know of that would help you absolutely get a date, or indeed to turn the thoughts of relationships off in your head. What are your general hobbies/interests? In my experiece when you throw yourself in to these it tends to have a knock on effect on the other parts of your life too (like relationships). If you are happy and fulfilled as an individual its a very attractive quality to prospective dates



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Hey tbh there are no tried and tested methods that I know of that would help you absolutely get a date, or indeed to turn the thoughts of relationships off in your head. What are your general hobbies/interests? In my experiece when you throw yourself in to these it tends to have a knock on effect on the other parts of your life too (like relationships). If you are happy and fulfilled as an individual its a very attractive quality to prospective dates




My hobbies/interests are Viking Metal, Blacksmithing, Culture of my herritage.


I think I see what you are saying. Throw myself into something I am passionate about, correct? Heh, I can see this working. Sometimes I will spend hours googling new viking metal, and it completely seperates me from nonsense.


Thank you for the constructive feedback. Very much appriciated.

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Wait, so you're a Nordic blacksmith and you don't have a girl yet?


In all seriousness, though, this sounds like very prudish advice, but try to make lots of friends. Focus on being there for all of your friends, regardless of whether you might be interested in them, and whenever you relapse into relationship thoughts, just say, "Hey, I'm depressed, I'll call [friend] and see what he/she's up to so I can think about something else."

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Wait, so you're a Nordic blacksmith and you don't have a girl yet?


In all seriousness, though, this sounds like very prudish advice, but try to make lots of friends. Focus on being there for all of your friends, regardless of whether you might be interested in them, and whenever you relapse into relationship thoughts, just say, "Hey, I'm depressed, I'll call [friend] and see what he/she's up to so I can think about something else."


"Wait, so you're a Nordic blacksmith and you don't have a girl yet?

Heh, I guess not. socializing has never been one of my strong points.



"this sounds like very prudish advice,"

I do not see prudish in your advice at all, and at the very least it will give me something to try. Very much appriciated.

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