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Do affairs after the affair always last?


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Hi, I'll just keep this as short and sweet as possible.

My ex of 5years cheated on me 4years ago with some girl at university. I spent a long time getting over it.

Anyway I'm pretty happy now

However the other morning half asleep on my phone I decided to log into my facebook to wish my sister happy birthday. except I used the wrong email address and reactivated my old facebook account (which my ex was on, and which I'd closed when we split up).

Anyway when I reactivated it I saw pictures of my ex still with his mistress. Looking happy and infactuated by her. With her native language all over his facebook. I'm not going to lie, it hurt. Even though I'd never want him back and saw him in town last year and when he tried talking I walked by and pretended he was a stranger.

I think it hurt because I always assumed that a healthy relationship couldn't be built on deceit. I always imagined it wouldn't last long, but it seems to have lasted almost 4years.

I just wanted to ask, do relationships that started this way always last? I always thought I'd have the last laugh, but I dont know....

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They can last or they can fail, much like any other relationship.


Its not about having the last laugh, if you are happy now who cares where he is? He is gone and done, out of your life. So long as you are happy now thats the important thing.

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As someone else pointed out, I think they are like any other relationship, so it can go either way. My sister got involved with a married man, who then left his wife for her, and they have been together nearly 14 years now - they own their own home, they have children, and leaving out the fact of how they got together they have an otherwise perfectly healthy relationship. I know a few people, including myself, who have looked up to them in their relationship and how well they work together. They are each other's best friends and they are compatible in every way, it's almost as if they were made for each other.


Also, one of my best friends unknowingly started seeing a married woman. She left her husband for him, they have been together for 11 years now with children and, not only that, but her ex husband is great friends with my friend now and all three of them have a special bond with each other. Strange situation but neat at the same time.


I've also known people to cheat simply because that's who they are - they're not necessarily looking for a better situation, they're just looking for as many situations as they can get themselves into.

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Statistically, very few affairs work out. Ultimately, even if they do, that person is still with a cheater, so who knows what kind of trust issues or drama is going on. I would think if you were the other person and the married or taken person left their relationship for you, you'd spend a lifetime wondering when it would happen to you.


As for your ex, be happy that he's no longer your problem. Don't be so convinced they're so happy - she could be the type to keep a cheater around, unlike you!

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Thanks for all youre replies it's much appreciated. I always assumed he may regret losing me (that's why I thought I'd have the last laugh), but that wasn't the case so it seems. The girl he is with was also with a guy for 4years, so she was a cheater too.

Thanks Ariel85 that's kinda how I see things too

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ignore the pictures that you have seen of them on facebook, just cause it looks like they are happy it does not mean they actually are, you never knows what goes on behind close doors, and I also believe that what goes around comes around and that sometimes two people just stay together cause they are afraid to be alone, don't worry to much about what your ex is getting up and how long other people who have cheated and lied have been together for cause a lot of people who do that don't last the distant, my best mate left his ex for two months did the whole rebound thing, went crying back to his ex after he was done with his rebound every one is different and just remember good things happen to good people, your ex does not sound like a good person to me and if he went off with someone who knew he had a girlfriend I doubt very much she is a good person either.


good luck with everything

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Thank you

That's made me feel more positive about being a decent person

He also told me by text message too, and not face to face.

She wasn't a good person, she said I'd been nasty to her when I hadn't. Was a long time ago. It's just seeing their pics brought back memories of me suspecting something, my ex telling me I was paranoid, so I went to the doctors asking for antidepressants thinking I was crazy, and my ex let me.

anyway rant over

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Thank you

That's made me feel more positive about being a decent person

He also told me by text message too, and not face to face.

She wasn't a good person, she said I'd been nasty to her when I hadn't. Was a long time ago. It's just seeing their pics brought back memories of me suspecting something, my ex telling me I was paranoid, so I went to the doctors asking for antidepressants thinking I was crazy, and my ex let me.

anyway rant over


if this girl has said that you were nasty to her then she is prob doing this out of jelousy if she says anything to you in the future rise above it, that is the best way to get to people like that by rising above it and being nonchalant the more she sees you don't care about her or your ex the more she won't try and get to you


sure you will meet someone better than him and her in the future they sound like a waiste of space to me

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if this girl has said that you were nasty to her then she is prob doing this out of jelousy if she says anything to you in the future rise above it, that is the best way to get to people like that by rising above it and being nonchalant the more she sees you don't care about her or your ex the more she won't try and get to you


sure you will meet someone better than him and her in the future they sound like a waiste of space to me


Oh she'd said those things when me and him were still together over 4years ago. It all just brought up the time she'd said those things and he'd taken her side, when he knew I never did things like that. I'm more on the timid side.

I never spoke to him after he told me by text that he'd cheated, never had contact since. So seeing the pictures of her and him confirmed what I'd thought those years ago, and it just brought everything back.

Thanks for replying

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