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Success Stories of Moving on and Letting Go


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I've been going through the threads looking for success stories. The common theme seems to be success stories where reconciliation is involved. I am 3months post break-up, 2 months LC and 1 month NC. Though I still have strong feelings for my ex and sometimes entertain the thought of us getting back together. I know that he is not the right person for me and that moving on is the best thing you can do.


I am looking for success stories in which people have successfully moved on after a break-up and ended up with someone better or are happily single and living their lives. How did your life transform after moving on and how did you transform? I look forward to hearing from all of you.

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I came to ENA after my relationship of 12 years ended. I couldn't fathom being happy again or meeting anyone else at ALL. I just couldn't look that far ahead initially. Yet I also knew that I didn't want her back if that were ever an option. Why would I want someone who didn't want me and left?


I took a solid year to work on myself and properly grieve the loss of such a large part of my life. I started making new friends and socializing and lo and behold I met the woman of my dreams. We've been together 10 months now and are very, very happy. She herself came out of a 10 year relationship so we both forged ahead cautiously and slowly. So far so good. We are far more compatible than my ex and I ever were (even though she was a good woman too) and we both feel we are truly lucky to have crossed paths.


It's hard to see the silver lining or any potentialities when you are in the midst of pain. I know how all-consuming it is. But you will get better, stronger and you will be happy again, whether on your own (as I was for that year) or whether you find someone else.


The good thing is that you already see that he wasn't right for you so you have a sense of what you are looking for if/when you meet another in the future. That's a great start!


Hang in there.

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Well i was seeing this girl for a month before we started dating she was a good girl. We dated and i got a little clingy and we eventually broke up. I was furious with how she did it at the time. Then he started dating someother guy and i was just like * * * . I finally started moving on and i get a text from her asking how i am doing i didn't respond. I later started dating another girl but when i was with her i couldnt stop thinking about my ex so we broke up and i wrote her a letter telling her i was sorry and i let it be. It has been a year since then and i can tell you guys it does get better no matter how long u have been with someone. Just look up and work on urself go to the gym and try to make urself the most attractive person u can be. Who knows u might run into them and they might regret letting u go. Tell me how great that would make u feel especially if u got dumped

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Hello everybody,


I can't say it is a succes story yet, but I have the feeling it will be in the near future!


So this is what happened. My boyfriend broke up with me a month ago (so it is still quite a fresh wound), saying he wasn't in love with me anymore. Honestly, I think I wasn't adventurous/wild enough for him. After the break up I was very depressed for about two weeks. Nothing interested me. But then suddenly I revived and came back stronger, more confident than I ever was before. I surprised myself . I started wearing prettier clothes (tighter (not * * * * ty) as well, because I know he likes my body, so I am showing it off more ;-) ), wearing a bit of make-up, going to more parties (dancing with a lot of different people), being sociable with everybody. In short, a better version of myself. I have been getting a lot of compliments about how good I look and how fun I am. All these things really boosted my self-confidence. Very pleased with myself at the moment !

After the break-up I really wanted him back, I cried in front of him... The whole drama (not so attractive, is it?). Now, I have grown more distant towards him (I don't approach him anymore (HE always comes to ME instead), don't iniciate conversation...), and I can tell that he doesn't like it.

I hope my actions will make him realize what a fool he has been and make him regret the fact that he broke up with me. GIRLPOWER!

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Hello everybody,


I can't say it is a succes story yet, but I have the feeling it will be in the near future!


So this is what happened. My boyfriend broke up with me a month ago (so it is still quite a fresh wound), saying he wasn't in love with me anymore. Honestly, I think I wasn't adventurous/wild enough for him. After the break up I was very depressed for about two weeks. Nothing interested me. But then suddenly I revived and came back stronger, more confident than I ever was before. I surprised myself . I started wearing prettier clothes (tighter (not * * * * ty) as well, because I know he likes my body, so I am showing it off more ;-) ), wearing a bit of make-up, going to more parties (dancing with a lot of different people), being sociable with everybody. In short, a better version of myself. I have been getting a lot of compliments about how good I look and how fun I am. All these things really boosted my self-confidence. Very pleased with myself at the moment !

After the break-up I really wanted him back, I cried in front of him... The whole drama (not so attractive, is it?). Now, I have grown more distant towards him (I don't approach him anymore (HE always comes to ME instead), don't iniciate conversation...), and I can tell that he doesn't like it.

I hope my actions will make him realize what a fool he has been and make him regret the fact that he broke up with me. GIRLPOWER!

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I don't know if this qualifies as a success story, but here I go ...


I was dreading this Thanksgiving because it's my first T-Day as a single person in 11 years. I thought it would be sad ... I thought I would be sad ... but the opposite happened. I spent time with my family and it was wonderful. Ex always complained about the running around we had to do during the holidays. He would * * * * * about it, saying he had things to do at the house, etc, and we always had to go somewhere.


I went to my sister's house, then to my daughter's house. I ate like a pig and the food was delicious. Ex was not even on my mind. I was the only single adult there but I did not mind. It was nice to arrive when I wanted to, and leave when I wanted to. It was nice bringing some food home to my doggie. It was nice enjoying myself without having to worry about anyone else.


Today was an epiphany for me ... life goes on without the ex, and it goes on splendidly, I don't need him to be happy -- heck, I was happier today than I ever was with him. Life is good!

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I dated a woman for 14 years and was engaged to be married before she left. After, I just started moving on and trying to heal. I took about a year and a half to get myself together and just work on me. I started dating again after that and have met a very nice woman who I am having a great time with. Shes attractive, athletic and has a really great personality. And we're having fun and taking it one day at a time.


Life can be good again if you take the time to heal. You don't stay broken forever and if you really do the work to heal you come back stronger. I think it's important to realise you are fine on your own and don't need anyone to define your life. And if you feel that way the next relationship will be healthier.

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Life can be good again if you take the time to heal. You don't stay broken forever and if you really do the work to heal you come back stronger. I think it's important to realise you are fine on your own and don't need anyone to define your life. And if you feel that way the next relationship will be healthier.


Pretty much this in a nutshell. Almost everyone worries about the wrong person when they break up with someone - once you realise to put the focus on yourself to heal and improve as a person then good things will come. It's better to of loved and learned than never to of loved at all and learned nothing!

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