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Help me put up with my girlfriend's night-time heavy breathing!

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My girlfriend does this thing at night where she sleeps with her mouth open, and breaths in deep, fast motions. Noisier than the average sleeper, I'm sure (though I should probably be grateful she's not a snorer). I'm a light sleeper anyway, and this noise disturbs me, either by waking me up (the sound gives me dreams that someone's shouting at me from a distance!) or, if I wake during the night (which I frequently do), stops me getting back to sleep.


I usually combat this with some ear plugs, but then I got an ear infection, probably caused by this constant plugging. Until the infection clears I'm not using plugs so while I try sleeping next to her, I usually end up going to a different room.


Using ear plugs every day probably isn't good for my ears anyway, so I was hoping for some advise on either helping me sleep through it, or stopping her from making the noise.

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Has she seen a doctor regarding this? There could be number of reasons why she's breathing this way and should be checked out.

No, she hasn't seen a doctor about it. To be honest it doesn't sound unhealthy, just annoying.


When I say the breaths are deep and fast, I mean the exhalation is fast, but there's a normal period between them. It's not like she's hyperventilating.

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Are you sure there's a connection between the earplugs and the ear infection? I kinda don't think there is... I mean... people use earplugs all the time (myself included) and they are specifically made for that purpose. Some people also use them on a daily basis for their jobs... and they are very spongy. I doubt they do damage.


How often do you change your earplugs? I agree that if you don't change them fairly regularly, that could be problematic.

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Well my doctor has suggested that I try different ear plugs. And I must confess that I could have treated them with a better standard of hygiene.

I'm foregoing the plugs entirely for the next week or so while the infection clears.

As far as whether the constant use of in-ear plugs are page for ear health, I hear different reports.

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Well... the other thing I can think of (I'm not a light sleeper but my bf snores like a chainsaw so I experience the same issues) is some form of white noise. Before I got the earplugs, I would put on some quiet music in the background or a movie. It doesn't drown out the noise of your partner but it at least gives you something else to concentrate on. Or a fan. But if you are a light sleeper anyways, that might not work...


Edit: Oops! Someone beat me to it.

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Is your girlfriend having difficulties breathing through her nose?

The noisy inhalation might be a compensation for inability to take in air through the nostrils.

tell her to see the doctor anyways, she might have something like deviated septum.

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If you're a chubbychaser, is it safe to assume she's overweight? Many overweight people have sleep apnea, snore, etc. I'm like you - a totally light sleeper, and I've ended relationships with guys who snore, just for that reason.


If she's heavy, I'd have her see a doc. If she's not heavy, I'd still have see a doc for the snoring.

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If you're a chubbychaser, is it safe to assume she's overweight? Many overweight people have sleep apnea, snore, etc. I'm like you - a totally light sleeper, and I've ended relationships with guys who snore, just for that reason.


If she's heavy, I'd have her see a doc. If she's not heavy, I'd still have see a doc for the snoring.


hahahha DAMMIT doctor, beat me to it. By the way, that's pretty savage - you snore, I'm out! hahaha


I'm going with either deviated septum (I have one, but I guess it's not really interfering as I've only had one girl say I snored or was breathing loudly), or if she's overweight, then that's what's probably causing her to be a mouth breather.

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hahahha DAMMIT doctor, beat me to it. By the way, that's pretty savage - you snore, I'm out! hahaha


LOL. It's only because I'm an exceptionally light sleeper. Any kind of noise keeps me up. Believe me, I wish it weren't the case! I've spent too many nights sleeping in my own guest room from having a BF snore.


I'd roll ya over, as a start.

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LOL. It's only because I'm an exceptionally light sleeper. Any kind of noise keeps me up. Believe me, I wish it weren't the case! I've spent too many nights sleeping in my own guest room from having a BF snore.


I'd roll ya over, as a start.


Yah I'm a light sleeper too. The ONE time I've snored was when I passed out on my back. I warned her. I warned her dammit!

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I am a very light sleeper and live near a busy street, in an effort to get some decent sleep, I was researching the web high and low and have to recommend this product link removed - you can download it or buy it on CD or DVD. What is different about it, if you read the guy's website, is that it covers the entire range of sounds - you can listen to a sample on the site. Its VERY relaxing. When I have had a stressful day at work, I come home and listen to it on my headphones for a while and its amazing how calm I feel.


If you scroll to the bottom of his page, he has a link to this product- which I haven't tried yet, but look like they might be a good option - SleepPhones - soft headphones for sleeping

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I am such a heavy sleeper! there could be someone taking my family hostage outside my bedroom door and I wouldn't have heard a thing lol. Sometimes it takes me a little while to get to sleep though when I have some worries but once I do, I fall into a deep sleep. I also have some really real and strange dreams that I can recall the next day.


It wouldn't bother me if my bf snored or was a heavy breather because I wouldn't hear it anyway!

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