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Don't have a driver's license yet

Jay Matthews

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When I was 16 I started driving school, after which I got my permit and only drove a few times. A few months later my family moved and I didn't have enough driving hours to get my license. When we moved here driving wasn't really on my mind since we were still getting settled in, and my high school was just a 10 minute walk from my house. Getting my license wasn't a priority anyway because there are a lot of restaurants, stores, etc in a quick walking distance from my house as opposed to my old house where you had to go a mile in any direction to get anywhere. A couple years passed and I started college and still didn't have my license yet, there's a lot of public transportation here so getting to college isn't that bad. Still, I generally have to wake up a couple hours before my first class begins. Anyway, I finally got my permit when I was around 20 and started driving more with my parents. I finally took my driving test over this past summer and didn't pass it.


The first time I took it there was some rule I wasn't aware of and the examiner needed to tell me so I didn't pass. He also told me to look around more, which ended up hurting me more than it helped as the 2nd time I took the test I took too much time looking around and didn't pass because I was going too slow. Finally I took my third test in a different city and did pretty well, except I got some bad luck and the examiner wasn't in a good mood so he failed me. A couple weeks later I took my written test and now I have my permit again. I've been driving a lot more lately than I did when I had my permit the first time, and I am feeling more comfortable driving. But I always get nervous when taking the test, and now that I failed it three times is making me more nervous that I won't pass it. I know I'm capable of passing it, it's only 10 minutes long and mostly in a residential area. I keep thinking I'm gonna make some mistake I haven't thought of, even though I never made the same mistake twice and should've passed the third time. I'm 21 now and even though I don't necessarily need it, I would really like to have it just for the convenience of being able to drive places.

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I definitely think that you should pursue in getting your driver's license. You have gained a lot of experience since your first attempts to pass the driving test and I am sure that yoiu can pass it now. You are experienced now, and that makes all the difference....

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Yeah, I am probably going to take it in December during my winter break. It was a lot easier in the summer because I had a lot more free time, now I have school and work on Fridays so I'll have to wait for a break in school to do it. I want to take it around 10AM or so when there aren't a lot of drivers on the road. I just have to keep driving to make myself more comfortable to the point where driving becomes almost second nature. It sucks since I'm a fine driver, I drive better than my brother who somehow got his license, but something about being tested on it makes me really anxious.

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Maybe pay for an hour with an instructor who can act like an examiner, it may help your anxiety. My instructor knew the route that I would be going on (they usually do), so I could practice before my real test.


Good luck! Don't worry about the past attempts. And I was 21 before I got my license, too.

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Maybe pay for an hour with an instructor who can act like an examiner, it may help your anxiety. My instructor knew the route that I would be going on (they usually do), so I could practice before my real test.


Good luck! Don't worry about the past attempts. And I was 21 before I got my license, too.


I definitely agree with this: an instructor will not only help you, but they'll also tell you the invisible things that the examiners are looking for that will decide if you fail or pass.


And by that I mean, your parents may mean well--mine did, anyway--but mine gave me helpful hints that actually made me fail! I didnt know it, until my instructor pointed them out.


Also, OP, be encouraged: I know what you're going through. I got my permit at age 16, but lacked motivation to get a license for similar reasons you did. I just kept renewing it until I turned 21. When I turned 21, I started taking more lessons, some by my parents, others I paid for from friends, and a few from instructors.


The first time I took the driver's test, I failed while I was still in the parking lot. (The examiner told me do a 3-way turn beside a ditch. I'd never parked beside a ditch before. With her sounding so stern, plus me misjudging the distance I had in the mirrors, I panicked, hit the accelerator too hard while reversing, and backed right into the DITCH! LOL!)


Anyway, dont feel bad about your first test. Statistically more than half of first-time testers for the driver's test will fail.


As for me, I'm 22 and I just got my license this month. And I KNOW I took the test more than 3 times before passing it, hahaha. And I'll leave it at that You'll pass also. Just keep practicing.

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I'd high five you now, I had to wait until I was just after 21 to get my license. My parents were really lax about me learning and barely let me have any practice. My mom forced me to drive on a rural dirt road for months b/c she was too scared to let me drive on the highway. Factors like that and being close to where you need to go would definitely discourage someone from getting their license early. Find someone to practice the route with and 3 point turn. You sound like you have enough experience to get your license now, just some bad strokes of luck that's all. Keep at it OP

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Stop blaming other people (My family moved, the examiner was in a bad mood, the examiner told you to look around) and take some accountability. Take driver's training again if you feel that is necessary, etc, and just get your license. You may not think you need it, but its going to prevent you from getting certain jobs, etc in the future. You can't rely on your folks to drive you.

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