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How feminine is your preference?


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Maybe this is a part of my transition from girl to woman, but for the past few months, I've been in the mood to become more feminine. I would google "How to be more feminine" and read the articles, use really flowery and girly soaps and shampoos, and have picked up on expanding my recipe collection. I also just recently bought some dresses (only paid $25 for them combined. Still a cheapskate


To me, this is a pretty big change because for years, I've always, always worn jeans and a T-shirt, and the girliest things I wear right now are a pink shirt and a Hello Kitty necklace. I only wore a skirt as part of my high school uniform, and even then I always wore bike shorts underneath.


Personality-wise, I think I'm already pretty feminine. I've had people call me words like dainty and demure. And during the rare times when I swear, even when just quoting someone else, somebody is bound to be shocked


But I don't feel like going all the way. I still don't like to wear perfume (just smelling clean from my flowery soap is enough for me), I wear very little makeup if any, and I don't expect a man to do me any favors. If a man does something for me like hold the door open, it's a pleasant surprise.


On a scale of 0-10, what rate of femininity do you consider most attractive? 0 being easily mistaken for a boy, 10 being fairy-tale-princess level. If you're a woman, what would you rate yourself? I think I'm about a 6, but want to go a little higher.

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the scale is subjective so wont be much help.


i love to wear dresses, but here people always ask "where are you going out to?" very casual town. lots of jeans and tees for me, but one thing i like to do is keep my nails done. make-up is for weekends, dates, or of i feel like it (rarely). perfume- dates and going out.... just do what you want when you feel comfortable. i doubt you'd ever get mistaken for a boy...

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Admittedly growing up I was a bit of a tomboy in comparison to most girls (even when playing girly/domestic games I always end up the role of the husband for some reason - not by choice most of the time either!) Played 'boy' sports rather than girl-centric ones, played with toy cars as much as my Barbies and so on. As a teen-20s, I refused to wear make-up, never dyed my hair (virgin hair is an unheard of thing in my generation/peer group), always dressed in jeans and shirts for ultra casual. At the same time my hair was always long (and feminine in that sense), my sister described my movements as graceful and everyone claimed I have a very innocent/naive girl look about me rather than 'boyish' for some odd reason.


Still, I noticed that my femininity wasn't enough to draw the attention I wanted. It was only recently that I started to experiment with my looks a bit more. Unfortunately it gets to me now when people point out my differences ('Oh! You look so much better! Like you're not afraid of the mirror anymore!' - just cause I wore a dress and some eyeliner...) and sometimes it has made me feel like I am conforming to something I used to loathe...


Ahem, didn't mean to rant on! I would say I used to be a 3-4, but I am currently a 5-7 depending on my mood. I still don't take care of my nails and hair as much as I should, but I have started to accessorize and wear trendier but still casual clothes. Also picked up a few cheap dresses to wear a bit more easily! But I

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Im not the most feminine woman ever, but i think im a good middle ground, not over the top girly, but just enough maybe an 8? i wear dresses, skirts, 1/2 items of jewlery, but still wear leggings, pants, jeans heels/flats whatever a good mix

and i wear a little bit of makeup everyday, i like a natural look for day-time, so just a bit of mascara and foundation & chapstick. hair tied up.


If im going out somewhere like a club i do heels, dress, earings and braclet, or a necklace and braclet, or a ring and necklace. for makeup going out i kick it up a notch and do fuller mascara, eye shadow, a bit of blush, a little bronzer& foundation and if im not wearing eye shadow il wear eye liner. hair down.


So i try to aim for a fairly natural "red carpet" look 9/10- as opposed to a 11/10 hooker look haha

I only wear perfume for special occasions, but i like wearing a scented deoderent, or leave in hair conditioner


You could always start slow with the makeup thing,every second day u could wear just add either eyeshadow (a natural colour like brown,or a beige shimmer) or just a thin layer of mascara.


a medium sized handbag is another feminine accessory that if u dont already use, might take some getting used to, and using a pretty purse instead of a wallet lol


Oh yea, nails- always keep neatly filed& shaped (short or long) and a pretty natural colour on finger nails (a light pink, or light lavender colour works well) toe nails u could be funky and go for a bright colour, or if ur not into that do ur toenails in the same colour as ur finger nails

Otherwise id say ur doing well

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I think women do change their perspectives with age. I used to be the most tomboyish ever, always wear jeans and sweater, bob haircut, glasses, never wore makeup. But as I got older, I began to appreciate my femininity and sexuality. I find myself collecting different perfumes from different designers. I started buying clothes that are floral, ruffled, made of silk, chiffon and lace, etc. I always accessorize myself with jewelry and have became an expert in makeup. To me, tight fitted clothing bring forth the shape and figure of a woman and heels give us the height illusion. I love nightgowns and lingerie as well as sexy bras and undies. I love being a woman and love every idea of it.

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for me, since im a guy at 23, i can tell you that i personally do not like girly-girly fairy-tail princesses...NOT FOR ME.


my buddie on the other hand loves them..i find them profoundly annoying.


i can kinda make since of your scale.. id say i shoot for girls more or so around the 4-5 point on the scale.


i like my girl to be like...im rocking jeans and my hair is slightly a mess, here are some flats im rocking this and bring it. (ugh my kinda kryptonite)


i guess you can say, where she only dresses up when she really really has too.. i do not want a girl who has to massively get ready everyday...nope wont work lol.


so there you go thats my personal view.

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I dont have a preference. I have had girls who care about each inch of their body, always wanted to be saved and held, and I have had women talking to me about how to drop a man in a few seconds with 1 hold, and how I am such a "girl" when I told her the movie Demons scared me when I was 6.


They both turned me on. They were attractive, both physically and in their behavior.


But I dont like bossy women. I do like to feel like the man in the relationship, i dont like shifting masculine/feminine polarities in a relationship.

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OP, thanks for making this thread.


I've been thinking about this.


I'm a woman. On a casual day, my femininity is about a 4.5. When I put actual effort, I'm a 7.5. So overall, I'm a 6. Im comfortable with this. I'm more of a jeans-and-tee kinda girl.


I used to think that dressing girlier (shoes, handbags, dresses) would be better, even though that's not "me." Im glad to see that there's guys who like women all over the girly-spectrum.

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OP, thanks for making this thread.


I've been thinking about this.


I'm a woman. On a casual day, my femininity is about a 4.5. When I put actual effort, I'm a 7.5. So overall, I'm a 6. Im comfortable with this. I'm more of a jeans-and-tee kinda girl.


I used to think that dressing girlier (shoes, handbags, dresses) would be better, even though that's not "me." Im glad to see that there's guys who like women all over the girly-spectrum.


you seriously sound like a awesome gal.

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men love feminine girls. i mean,who dress like a girl (eg. not sloppy) and talk like a girl(eg no swear word). what they dont like is the ones with a rather twee manor. like the attitute that they are princess and they freak out when they see an ant or scream when the paper cut their fingers.

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I loved when my ex told me to get rid of a bad spider. I never killed it, i would just pick it up and release it outside. Sometimes, women try to act overly-feminine to raise the feeling of masculinity of the man to build sexual attraction (and so do men, hey... you looking at my girl, punk?- yeah, this is extreme and probably a turn off, smaller examples are fixing things, trying to solve everything, providing, etc.).


I did say I dont mind less-feminine girls, but I look back at my ex for an example... and some things she did annoy me. She did curse at me in jokes, was aggressive with her hands (shoving, jabbing my arm, etc.), was quick to spin-kick someone in the jaw if she could. But, I never stepped back and said, noooo wait, I am going to forget that shes pretty, and we are compatible, because shes not filling a stereotype of her sex.

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Why would you try to change yourself to fit in with what you think the majority of men would like?


"Feminine" is about much more than just your shoes. That's all very superficial.


It's not so much changing myself to fit in, as exploring something new. Or more like trying to bring out more of a side of myself I may have always had. And if it makes me more attractive, then WOOHOO, bonus! Maybe I could have put this thread in "Personal Growth" instead, but I was curious about what people think of it in terms of attraction.


But I suppose the kinds of changes I am trying to make right now are on the superficial level. As far as personality, I plan to stay the same...or rather, have my perspectives and mannerisms evolve naturally as I age.

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