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How to ask out a shy guy?


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I am pretty sure this guy in my class is interested in me, all the signs point that way: nervousness around me, flirting, teasing, and gradually becoming more open to talking to me We have only been talking for a month or so, and our class meets only once a week so we don't know each other that well.. but I definitely get a gut feeling from how we interact that he is interested.. only thing, he is still shy. So, I really want to just ask him out to do something simple like coffee, lunch.. nothing that will put pressure on either of us.. but still the idea of asking him freaks me out. I tell myself he'll say yes because he seems interested in me and that I need to be the more aggressive one since he is so shy.. but I don't know what to say!

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My boyfriend's the shyest guy I know and I just basically told him everything we were gonna do in the beginning. I don't think I ever phrased anything as a question. I met him through a friend so whenever we were going somewhere and he was around, I'd say "hey, we're going to [where ever], come with us!" (lol, matter of fact, I think there were some times I just said "you're coming, get ready!" lol) It eventually led us to being an automatic couple. We just started spending all our time together and well... somehow, eventually we became official. I'm not sure about the severity of the guy in question's shyness but with my boyfriend he's just so shy that he never initiated anything. I had to (and still do) initiate everything with him. I basically made all the decisions, where we were going, what we're doing, etc... Unlike me, he seems to always be unsure of himself (like he doesn't want to mess things up with me) and lacks a bit of confidence, so my confidence helps him with that part of himself that he's working on. Normally this is what a shy guy's about... lacking confidence.


So ya, if I were you I'd take initiative and just be confident in yourself and just go for it... Maybe not as direct as I did, but I think you get my point...

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Don't rely on FB to handle your romantic life. Why not be a real person who isn't afraid of having a real, face-to-face conversation with another real person?


Next time you see him, ask him if he'd like to get a cup of coffee. It's that simple. Don't worry, you're not going to melt out of embarrassment.

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Thanks guys, I want to be be able to do it in person w/o relying on facebook because it still kind of weirds me out- I'm still old fashioned even if I am asking him out instead. Though I do feel like I'm going to melt from embarrassment, I'm sure once the moment passes it will be all right.. as I keep telling myself.. but ugh, still so scary! Now I know how guys feel!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks guys, I want to be be able to do it in person w/o relying on facebook because it still kind of weirds me out- I'm still old fashioned even if I am asking him out instead. Though I do feel like I'm going to melt from embarrassment, I'm sure once the moment passes it will be all right.. as I keep telling myself.. but ugh, still so scary! Now I know how guys feel!



Don't keep analyzing, re-analyzing or over analyzing the situation. Just be yourself and ask him out if you are interested. If you are interested in someone you should let them know. Most people in this situation fear rejection. And yes, now you know how guys feel.

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I used to be a shy high school kid, and girls would ask me out. I would say no, because I got nervous. They were too aggressive, so it freaked me out.


Wait until hes comfortable to tease you, then ask him out in a friendly way... being friendly is pretty neutral, it shouldnt freak him out.


I actually would go with facebook. Its less formal and if he really isnt interested then online would be a lot easier for him to show it.

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I agree with John3572, just ask him out. If he is interested, like it seems he is, he WILL say yes. As I have always been very shy myself,

I've always felt unsure how a woman really feels about me, even if she does look at me a certain way or even flirt with me occasionally.


You asking him out would be taking the pressure off of him, as well as making him feel a little more comfortable knowing that you feel

the same about him.


Just know that you may have to wait a little while before he will begin to act on the way he feels toward you. I always had to be 100%

FOR SURE about how the person felt toward me before I would act on my feelings.

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