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can anyone give me advice? (kinda long)

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hello everyone, i am new on this forum but i am an active member on the Love shack forums.

my situation about the break up can be found on this link here.

loveshack. org/forums/t304083/ (without spaces)


anyways, since the break up which has been going on for a month and a half now.


since then, i have gotten my closure, my ex has been hit with the all so sudden G.I.G.S and well ive finally been able to cope with it, he has another girl that he started talking to a little bit after we split up and well when we had cleared everything up when we talked in person i felt better about being replaced and started to feel like even tho i was replaced it didnt matter cause as much as i love my ex, he was hardly anything special but he was special to me at the time.


anyways, what im confused about is that i have recently started talking to a few guy, trying to keep my options open and see which guy could be the right one for me and my ex and i had become friends again and once he found out he told me he was glad and happy that i was talking to someone, we texted and i toild him i would talk to him later and well i wasnt really expecting to hear from him anytime soo and well it was almost going to be 1 in the morning and i got a text and i thought it was from one of the guys ive been talking to and when i checked it out it was from my ex, he asked me what i was doing and i told him then all of a sudden he started asking me about his guy i was talking to and i answered his questions cause really i have nothing to hide or not wanna say to him anymore since we are separated, anyways he asked a series of questions pretaining to the new guy situation and then he told me he was going to bed and he said goodnight anyways this happened again the next day and the day after that, i havent heard from him today and i hope i dont and if i do i dont think im going to answer his questions about my relations with these guys, but what im confused and upset about is why he would be so interested in my personal life when he told me to move on and that we were never going to reconcile again and also he's with someone else now, i think he should worry about her returning to her husband instead of my business since i am the wife that he left behind.


sorry its so long but can anyone give me some insight to what the hell is his deal?


thank you all for reading!

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Sounds like he's feeling a little jealous at the moment. But you seem to be doing well by not rubbing in his face. If you are both happy being friends then cool. It may get a little more difficult when you decide to hook up with one these guys though. I guess you'll see what happens then

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Sounds like he's feeling a little jealous at the moment. But you seem to be doing well by not rubbing in his face. If you are both happy being friends then cool. It may get a little more difficult when you decide to hook up with one these guys though. I guess you'll see what happens then


yeah, im not going to be one of those bitter dumpees that try and rub being with another person in the dumpers face to make them jealous cause sometimes that may ruin any chance of reconciliation but also i am very mature about this, i dont ever ask him about his new girl or anything so i dont think its fair that he asks me every chance he gets, weather i get with one of these guys or not shouldnt matter to him anyways but everyones different and nobody can seem to read minds lol it just gets me so upset that hes so interested now when before when i was torn up about all this he didnt even care to say hello.

maybe he feels dumb for leaving someone who's been there for him for 4 years and getting with a girl he just started talking to and doesnt know anything about but i cant even really say that has any reason for his behavior at all.

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I think your doing the right thing now by being mature about this situation. Just carry on with your life, you don't sound too depressed about things which is a real positive. If he keeps texting you late at night you may have to tell him it's a little inappropriate and he should be texting you at 'normal' times if he wants to talk to you

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Just because he doesn't want you doesn't mean he's okay with other men having you. The ego is a fragile thing, especially when another man might take away his back burner option (ie YOU). Don't even bother giving him any more details - it's none of his business. And frankly if he is still with another girl, I wouldn't speak to him AT ALL.

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thank you guys, at the beginning of this who thing i was so torn up but ive made so much progress and im very happy with myself for doing so, me and this guy were together for 4 years, we have a kid together but i am not going to be anyones freaking toy, its just not going to work anymore, im done and im talking to some very nice guys now, the thing i really care about speaking to him about is our son and thats it, other then that im not going to be answering any of his questions to make himself feel better, he texted me a while ago again and asked me how my "boyfriend" was and i didnt reply to that i just asked him what the point in this text was and he told me he was feeling bored, if hes so bored he should text his new girlfriend not me.

i would totally love to not speak to him ever again but we have a son together so he will always have to be in my life for our kid.

im standing up for myself now anymore feed back would be great also! you guys are so awesome!

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