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Hoping to find a date, having a missing tooth... :(


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What does your employer say about this? No one at work has commented on when you're getting a front tooth replaced?

Well, I told them why I lost it and I have a very good relationship with everybody in our firm - just as I mentioned, at some point I forget that I'm missing a tooth. I do not really feel bad about the fact itself that it's missing (i know that I will replace it either with a bridge or implant) - it's the fact that I can't go and get to know new people, because I know far too good what they think when they see somebody like that. I moved to live here just a few weeks ago with the tooth already missing and I still don't know anybody else in this town but my co-workers and some of their friends that show up from time to time.


What really pisses me off are the replies telling "you have a job, get it fixed" - hey, I just started working and the prices of dental procedures are very high compared to the salaries here where I'm from, so it will take 2 months if I decide inserting a bridge or a lot more if I decide to get an implant.


All in all, I guess it depends on what kind of person one is and how much of an impact on his self-esteem a missing tooth is - I still smile like I used to, or even more than ever because many people that get beaten up end up in a far worse situation, plus after two years of being unemployed I found a job that I really love.

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Of course when you first see someone whose tooth is missing, it's very obvious. But as soon as they start talking, if I'm enjoying the conversation and they're attractive to me otherwise, that first-glance impression will lessen. I don't think, "unhealthy mouth" when I see a missing tooth, if the other teeth are in decent shape. I think, "ouch, something happened." I think bad breath is a much bigger turn-off than a missing tooth.


All in all, I guess it depends on what kind of person one is and how much of an impact on his self-esteem a missing tooth is - I still smile like I used to, or even more than ever because many people that get beaten up end up in a far worse situation, plus after two years of being unemployed I found a job that I really love.


You keep smiling. Your perspective is right on, here. Go out and smile like it's no one's business, unapologetically. It might even be a conversation piece that'll start working for you!

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What if what happened to me? I lost a tooth in a fight? Or from playing pro hockey?


I did chip a tooth a few months ago, and had an emergency appointment the next morning. No way was I going to walk around like a snaggle tooth. Call it vanity, or not wanting to look white trashy, but...


What does your employer say about this? No one at work has commented on when you're getting a front tooth replaced?


Having a chipped tooth has nothing to do with being white trashy.. sounds kinda insecure shallow and naive way of thinking.. I've been on many dates with my chipped tooth and never been a problem.. I even asked one of my dates because I felt embarresed she said its no biggie.. and she wouldn't judge me on my teeth but the person I am..


Chipped or missing tooth doesn't make u thrashy... Being white thrash makes u Look trashy..

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All in all, I guess it depends on what kind of person one is and how much of an impact on his self-esteem a missing tooth is - I still smile like I used to, or even more than ever because many people that get beaten up end up in a far worse situation, plus after two years of being unemployed I found a job that I really love.


Good for you. On the smiling part - not the getting jumped part.


But, like you said, people will make a snap judgement on any stranger's looks. Right or wrong, it's just how things go. FWIW, I'd have the same reaction to someone who had a black eye.


If you don't mind sharing, what happened that a bunch of dudes blitzed you for no reason and knocked out a tooth? No wonder you left your former city.


Lastly, I do get that dental prices are high. I carry medical insurance, but not dental, so any time I need something done, it's a big out of pocket expense. But, I also know the downside of not keeping yourself up physically, and what can happen from letting things go, so I tend to throw money at medical or dental issues pretty quickly. Plus, I'm vain. lol. But, to mention, a few years ago, I needed to get some minor work, and found a discount dental plan. It wasn't insurance, but a discount plan. I paid like $100 a year for it, and about 90% of the dentists in my area accepted this program, and with getting one cavity filled, the discount plan paid for itself with what I saved, and then some. It basically gets you some decent discounts on dental fees. You might want to look into something like that. I'm not sure I can post the name of it, but if you're interested, PM me and I'll give you the info.

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I'm not the thread originator, but was the plan credit dependent like so many of those things are?


I'm very interested in something like that myself, though have not so good credit. Mostly stemming from mistakes I made in my younger days. This thread has reinforced why I've always been self conscious about my own teeth and why unlike the thread originator I tend not to smile because of it... at least not with my mouth open.


I am all for anything and everything that might make getting my teeth fixed sooner, because as an unemployed Joplin tornado victim with no insurance and no college degree... don't foresee myself affording to get them fixed anytime soon.


Moving to Portland Oregon earlier and getting prepared to go to school for medical coding and billing... but in the meantime expect to have to take some remedial not so well paying jobs.


PM me if you could please and thanks

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1. I had crazy revenge fantasies after that (that's natural), but hey - sooner or later everything comes back to them, that's not a belief but I've proven that myself dozens of times... I had plans to move to another town long time prior to that event... And the only thing I can remember is walking through the park and then blood stained to the closest hospital...


2. I'm from another country, so the dentistry thing won't fit, thanks anyway for the offer!

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OP: You say you have to wait 6 months to have it sorted out, so why the almost panic about dating? Surely 6 months is not going to make that much difference in the big scheme of things? It's not like six years have to pass before you can start dating again, right? Just saying...

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OP: You say you have to wait 6 months to have it sorted out, so why the almost panic about dating? Surely 6 months is not going to make that much difference in the big scheme of things? It's not like six years have to pass before you can start dating again, right? Just saying...

I guess I was just over-reacting, just turned 26, first time ever a job I love, in a town I barely know, and all that following aproximately 7 hits in the face.


I'll get a removeable tooth replacement soon, thought it would be more expensive and could take me two months till I get enough money for that, but it turned out that I can get it done til' X-mas, yeah...

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