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Hoping to find a date, having a missing tooth... :(


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There are a few things I need to tell first: My life has changed a lot during the past few months - I found a great girl, had to leave her hundreds of miles away because after two years I finally found a job, but the worst what happened was that some still unidentified fools terrible beated me up - I had a broken nose and one of my front teeth had to be extracted... although visually my nose hasn't changed, I have problems breathing through it, then I have to spend almost half a year until I can finally get a dental implant.

Actually I have been through so much painful experiences in my lifetime, they have made me become somewhat grateful about still being alive and I don't feel that bad about myself I used to feel. but the problem is that I know about the importance of the first impression:


Let's imagine you being a girl that I'm attracted to, and now some guy with a missing front tooth is starting to talk with you - what happens? I don't want to start a conversation already explaining why I have a missing tooth, that would be stupid, but on the other hand - that would be one of the first things she'd see and you know what kind of impressions people get when they see somebody with a tooth missing - and one that's right at the front.

Personally I think that I loose all chances to about 60% of the girls I could be dating. Of course I have had a lot of those kinky eye contacts lately but I'm too damn scared to literally open my mouth. I have met a lot of people lately, found a few good friends and colleagues, at some point I even forget that my tooth is missing.

Now seriously - I now work full-time and don't have much time to go out, it's a little sad that I had to leave the girl I was dating, and since I can't stand being without at least a good female friend, plus after my 26th birthday I feel like I'm starting to run out of time, I will naturally start looking for a date and hopefully a girlfriend soon.

Or am I just over-reacting and the saying "It's all in your head" really fits this situation?

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A chipped tooth is one thing. I wouldn't date anyone with a missing front tooth - just being honest.


That's being a little too harsh, don't you think?

What if you had a missing front tooth......You'd be pretty damn lonely if the world was full of LazyDaisy's! Huh!


Nah, I think I'd give the man a chance. I'm pretty sure in most front tooth missing cases, it wasn't the person's fault.

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I'm with the other ladies - missing front tooth screams hillbilly or thug. Or worse. lol. I wouldn't touch a guy with a missing tooth. Particularly if he told me it was from getting the piss kicked out of him from some strangers (seriously? that's a little bizarre and tough to imagine there was zero intent behind it).


Unless you're playing professional hockey and just got off the ice, there is no reason to be walking around with a missing front tooth. You said you have a job, so go get a new tooth pronto. Dentists will often take payment plans if you can't pay for it all up front.


I think there are certain personal grooming things that you can let slide a bit, but not having a front tooth isn't one of them.

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That's being a little too harsh, don't you think?

What if you had a missing front tooth......You'd be pretty damn lonely if the world was full of LazyDaisy's! Huh!


Nah, I think I'd give the man a chance. I'm pretty sure in most front tooth missing cases, it wasn't the person's fault.


With modern denistry being what it is, there is no excuse. I broke a tooth and had a temporary cap the next day.

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With modern denistry being what it is, there is no excuse. I broke a tooth and had a temporary cap the next day.

Getting a tooth extracted is a lot different than just braking a part of it...

Well, I'd rather wait until I can have an implant, rather than get the teeth nearby affected by a bridge, umm, but I guess I'll end up getting myself a bridge, because I don't think I could handle that for so long...

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Maybe people think most people have $5000 hanging around for an implant. If you do not have dental insurance it is about 5 G and a hole being drilled into your jaw. A bridge involves grinding down and capping the teeth on either side. Ruining 2 other live teeth and also expensive. Probably the least expensive is a partial plate and it does not involve damaging other teeth. One of the bad things about that is you have to replace them now and again.

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I'm with the other ladies - missing front tooth screams hillbilly or thug. Or worse. lol. I wouldn't touch a guy with a missing tooth. Particularly if he told me it was from getting the piss kicked out of him from some strangers (seriously? that's a little bizarre and tough to imagine there was zero intent behind it).


Unless you're playing professional hockey and just got off the ice, there is no reason to be walking around with a missing front tooth. You said you have a job, so go get a new tooth pronto. Dentists will often take payment plans if you can't pay for it all up front.


I think there are certain personal grooming things that you can let slide a bit, but not having a front tooth isn't one of them.

What if something like that happened to you? Just curious...

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Just my personal opinion, but I wouldn't have a problem with someone missing a tooth. Be it the front incisors, laterals, lower teeth, etc. I think it gives the person their own distinctive, unique look and I find that attractive. What would be even better is if the person has an outstanding personality to where you can tell that it doesn't bother them one bit and they carry out their lives smiling, laughing, socializing as if he had a full set of bone-straight teeth.


Until we meet again...

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What if something like that happened to you? Just curious...


What if what happened to me? I lost a tooth in a fight? Or from playing pro hockey?


I did chip a tooth a few months ago, and had an emergency appointment the next morning. No way was I going to walk around like a snaggle tooth. Call it vanity, or not wanting to look white trashy, but...


What does your employer say about this? No one at work has commented on when you're getting a front tooth replaced?

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Getting a tooth extracted is a lot different than just braking a part of it...

Well, I'd rather wait until I can have an implant, rather than get the teeth nearby affected by a bridge, umm, but I guess I'll end up getting myself a bridge, because I don't think I could handle that for so long...


You should get what you want, even if it means waiting. Bridges aren't cheap and since you're young, you'll likely need to get it replaced (which is why I opted for an implant myself). I would not turn someone down for missing a front tooth. I think flyingpiglet said it best- it would depend on how you respond to the question hey what happened to your tooth.

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Truth is I wouldn't go out with anyone with a missing tooth, nor would many girls as you're finding out. And I certainly wouldn't be waiting to find out what the backstory was.


From a practical point of view, there's no use arguing about whether or not people should be superficial.


Apparently a denture is an option for a single missing tooth. Since it's removable I suspect it could be a temporary option until you get an implant (and possibly not expensive).


Ask your dentist what all your options are.

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I think people think replacing teeth is cheap or something. Even a temporary few months replacement is about $600 and even a partial denture is about $1200.


I think most people know that dental work is very pricey.


But, walking around without teeth is just wrong - particularly a front tooth. Life is costly, and unexpected expenses come up all the time - whether for your home, your car, your health, bail...(lol). The OP has a job, so there is no excuse to not address the gap.

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Some people can not address it right away it sometimes takes a few months. I had a traumatic injury to my mouth as a child. I got slammed in the mouth with a swing and it killed one of my teeth which I had a root canal on at 8 years old. It also disrupted 3 other teeth and shifted them in my mouth. That tooth was living on borrowed time so to speak. This summer I found out the root shaft was vertically fractured and I had a severe bone infection as a result from the abscess. So the exploratory surgery to even find out if they could save my tooth and to clear infected bone and tissue was $1100, cash on the barrel head. The specialist does not wait for insurance plans or anything else and does NOT do payment plans. Cash or credit card or no service. Then I had to wait for my bone and gums to heal for 3 months and 2 weeks ago I had it extracted. That was another $400. Now I have to wait for the infection to clear and then get my denture. $400 for the lab fees and $1200 for the denture. Not everyone can do something about a lost tooth the next day because of healing or money constraints. I know tons of dentists who do not wait for insurance and they do not do payment plans. When my brother got his braces the dentist asked for $6000 right then and there. People should really not assume that people have $6000 of spare cash lying about doing nothing.

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Even though my dad and grandpa are orthodontists, teeth are not really that high on my list of priorities when it comes to attraction. I would definitely wonder what happened, but I don't think a missing tooth would be in and of itself a reason I would or wouldn't date someone. I'd definitely be more interested in how it happened. Like, if a guy lost his tooth because he picked a fight (not because he was jumped and had to fight in self-defense), I wouldn't date him because of the implied violence.


I know that if I were to get in an accident and lose an eye, that would put a damper on my dating life. I don't know what the price of a glass eye is, but it can't be cheap. But still, people would probably expect me to get one. Shallow or not, I can understand how someone would be turned off by me missing an eyeball.

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Yeah, I think the funny thing here is that if someone were wearing a cast, no one would jump to conclusions that they were some unsavory hillbilly with violent tendencies. A tooth is just another body part, which can get damaged just as well -- and what does that say about someone? Not much, without a backstory.


And so what -- if it wasn't a front tooth, but an incisor, a canine, or a molar, you'd cut him more slack?


Short of drilling someone for a story first thing meeting them -- which would be awkward -- I couldn't draw any conclusions about them until we were relaxed with eachother enough for me to ask, or for him to bring it up. So assuming you're working, OP, I'd take it that even if you have a missing tooth, you haven't suddenly let your facial hair go to seed, stopped doing your laundry, lost your comb and decided your other teeth aren't worth the trouble to brush anymore. If you were well-spoken, attractive to me otherwise and not unkempt, I would guess something lousy happened and suspend judgment, without it affecting how I felt about you. Accidents happen.


And furthermore, I'd assume that someone who isn't a hobo would probably be well-aware that his tooth was absent and was most likely looking into it. I'd tend to presume each day that guy'd be looking in the mirror going, "5 more paychecks." So I wouldn't see it as some permanent aesthetically-compromised condition.


Having said this, I was absolutely CRAZY about a guy who had an incisor missing and to me, it was just endearing and intriguing. I never did get to ask him what the story was behind it -- but I kind of like the notion that someone has a story, and the fact that he was killer cute (to me, anyway) made it all the more alluring. Even if he never fixed it, I'd have been okay with it because his searing eyes made up for it. Imperfections can be quite the piece de resistance. Can't say that if it was one tooth over instead (the front tooth), that'd have broken the deal.


But OP, like others are saying, I can't believe there aren't some temporary "fixes" that might fit your budget better than your final implant. I have an acquaintance who I ran into at a casual outdoor eatery, and when she smiled at me, I saw one of her front teeth was gone. It startled me, and I assumed something really bad had happened since we last saw eachother, but I didn't want to pry. After chatting a little and her getting ready to leave the table, she rummaged in her backpack, pulled out a small plastic box, and pulled out a prosthetic tooth, which she nonchallantly inserted into her gum. Don't ask me why she was going around without it, but once replaced, you couldn't even tell it was a fake tooth. So that got me wondering how long her tooth had been missing, and how that happened. I have yet to find out. But the point is, it seemed like something very simple to put in, like a single denture. I have no idea the cost (it can't be too high, since she is not of great means), but I'd ask your dentist about something like that (not sure if that's been brought up in this thread).


Finally -- this has little to do with your tooth, but in your OP you said that you were anxious about this because it'll be about 6 months until you can pay for the restoration, and that you're "running out of time" with dating. You've just turned 26, and you're "running out of time"? You know, I see this desperate and narrow-minded attitude a little more concerning than the missing tooth. The tooth you can fix within a few months, but it's not as easy to address the fact that you're viewing dating with this stifling timeline. You will likely make wrong decisions about who to date when you're thinking like that, with that kind of pressure. So I would suggest you take that pressure off yourself, because 6 months is really a snap of the fingers. Maybe this tooth thing is a message from the Universe that you need to ease up on the race against time that is dating, in your opinion. There is absolutely no reason you have to pound the dating pavement while feeling self-conscious about your "flaw", which is going to be repaired quite soon. So worst comes to worst -- you're off the dating market for 6 months. So what? I think your bigger obstacle here is non-dental in nature.

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I would try to get it fixed.


I have a front one that's no longer there myself and while I wish people would be more sympathetic, in general when it comes to missing teeth they aren't. In my case it wasn't even really my fault and certainly not a case of not taking care of them..... in fact I'm now incredibly self conscious about it and take care of them almost obsessively. My family just tends to have bad teeth, it's a genetic thing and I was cursed with the worst of all of us. I among other things had a baby tooth that never came out and just bad teeth in general. I do plan on getting it taken care of, though it's going to be a little while financially.


Hang in there as things could always be worse, getting things fixed as mentioned by others certainly isn't cheap and for that reason I do wish people would be more understanding, but such is life.


All the best to you and try not to get too down about it.

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It is not a matter of being understanding. Its what people find attractive and unfortunately someone with a missing front tooth is not going to be an attractive new partner. If you were already dating someone and they lost their tooth that is different.


All I am saying is the OP probably isn't going to have much luck meeting women until it is fixed. Its only 6 months, not a lifetime. And if he does meet someone that's great but he will have a better chance with the tooth in place.


A missing tooth is different than a broken arm - people don't kiss an arm. Women want to kiss a mouth that looks healthy.

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Even with insurance dentistry is still very costly. Teeth rotting is different then just missing a tooth. A missing tooth would not bother me at all but I would have to be a guy who took care of them. My husband's front tooth is actually completely crooked with this huge gap from an accident when he was a kid. He hates it but I actually love it because I love him and it's part of the package.

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