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Ok I've recently been seeing a girl, couple of coffee's ect, goning well and I've found out she's got a visa through to work in NZ for 14 months, leaving before xmas till end of Jan 2013. Now I know this sort of distance/time is a recipe for disaster so I'm happy with trying to make the most of the the next few weeks, then leaving it. I also broke up with my g/f to start seeing her.


I know she won't want distraction why out there for work, and to be honest I'm that busy with my own work (been a bit distracted myself recently with this) until next summer, and then I'll be away myself for 4 months. So I'm happy to leave it and make contact when she gets back pending she or I haven't found anyone else. (I'm banking she will meet people out there but I only have phone and email contacts for her anyway so it doesn't bother me as I won't know a thing)


I personally think its worth waiting for as like I said I'm too busy to have anyone serious anyway and she's so nice I'd rather not settle for less. What do you guys think?

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After just a few coffees, I wouldn't over think it. Definitely consider it will dissipate after she leaves. Then, whatever contact you may have will be a bonus. Likewise, don't put your dating life on hold for more than a year. LDR's are hard in the best of circumstances, and this relationship is far too young to have any expectations.

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