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Which country on earth would you like to live in besides you own?


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Spain, though I've never visited. I hear it's a beautiful country and I'm a native Spanish speaker. And the few Spanish men I've met have been very attractive. 25% unemployment rate but oh well

If I spoke French though, France would be my first choice. I fell in love with Paris when I visited, and I loved the way of life there. I guess the whole western European way of life is very appealing to me really, at least in the places I've seen.

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I already live abroad but the UK is requiring some adjustment. Wouldn't mind splitting time being a place here and an apartment in Barcelona, tho. Just need to get the income from the more mobile side business going to the point where a fixed office isn't necessary...

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  • 3 weeks later...
You have my heart! I live in the USA and have no desire to live anywhere else. For me it is the USA all the way!!!! chi


I hear you, I also would like to move to California.


One point that has been missed here is when you have big money, you can live happilly almost anywhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've always been partial to the UK. Been there several times, I have family there, I have a lot of English blood...


I've always had the pipe dream when I was younger of just running away to England, leaving my roots here, getting a job/staying with family, and maybe finding love there too, finding a real "home" for myself, just for me, carving a home for myself in a country that my intermediate family and friends are not in.


Times have changed though. I have someone here, got family stuff, etc. I am fine with staying in the US.


But I'd be lying if I said that a small part of me, once in a while, doesn't daydream about taking off.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Came late to this thread, and hey, what a lot of ways there are to "like to live" somewhere!


Confining myself to countries I've been to, I'd like to live in:


- Canada again, except I won't, partly because of immigration issues and partly because "going back" is a really bad idea.


- The Netherlands. I can definitely see that happening. Rotterdam probably.


- Poland - but that's a bit romantic - I love the country, but don't know it well at all, and hardly speak the language (though that's surmountable).


- Italy - kind of ditto on the romanticism. I love the country, know bits of it pretty well, and speak the language adequately enough that I'd be able to function and become fairly fluent before long. But, much as I'd like to imagine I'm a hot-blooded Mediterranean type, I'm just not, I'm a dour northern European at heart. I don't think I'd ever really fit in.


- India (Mumbai or Kolkata). This could work, I've half-looked into it. I feel very comfortable there. It'd be such a major, major move, though - not a short-haul flight but a long, expensive one away from all my family (except one), friends and employers.

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haha Essex...whaaaat did yoooou do?

I would say I like Netherlands, Krakow, and Reykjavic. So pretty similar to you. I am living in the other country I would like to live in, Canada right now. I am from Australia originally. There are so many places I have not been yet so I am sure there will be more to add!

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haha Essex...whaaaat did yoooou do?


What do you mean? Oh, are you referring to Canada:


because of immigration issues and partly because "going back" is a really bad idea.


Ha-ha, I didn't "do" anything, I lived there for nearly 20 years (most of my childhood, and very early adulthood). I just mean "going back" is a bad idea in that returning to a place a quarter of a century later because you were happy there in the far-ago past is likely to lead to disappointment.


And, immigration issues in the simple sense that I've no right of residence in Canada, whereas I can live anywhere in the EU (and India doesn't seem too difficult provided you're prepared to be a bit creative with the red tape).

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  • 3 months later...

1. Singapore, people are civil and everything just works e.g. public transport, law enforcement, education.


^ Any other country like this would be a-ok for me. I think some European countries might be similar, maybe Denmark and Sweden.


I live in Australia btw.

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  • 2 months later...

I would not like to live in any other country except my own because I love my country. But I would definitely like to visit the countries like New zealand, Switzerland, India, China, UK, USA, France, Malaysia, Srilanka, Canada, South Africa Italy and Spain

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If Norway wasn't the most expensive country, I would go because it has the most beautiful landscape in the world. Many Scandinavian countries have reports of holding a higher rate of its citizens being happier than any other country.

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1. Ireland because I love that Irish lilt..not to mention all the lads with black hair and blue eyes..oh my


2. New Zealand because it is just hands-down gorgeous there


3. Germany because I really like schnitzel and sauerkraut and I think Germany has some really progressive environmental policies, and it is beautiful.

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1. Ireland because I love that Irish lilt..not to mention all the lads with black hair and blue eyes..oh my


2. New Zealand because it is just hands-down gorgeous there


3. Germany because I really like schnitzel and sauerkraut and I think Germany has some really progressive environmental policies, and it is beautiful.




Are you describing me in no 1 ...

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Are you describing me in no 1 ...


I went to Ireland and Scotland a few years ago with my family and I could not get over how just about everyone in Ireland has black hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen! I'm convinced there is something good in the water up there!


I liked the sound of the southern Irish lilt, it's more lilty, lol

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  • 1 month later...

I have read many articles on good things about Germany, the UK, France, Japan, etc. All of those countries seem to do many things way better than the USA (where I live) does, including healthcare, work/life balance, overall quality of life, the value they have for STEM education graduates, etc. Even Canada is probably better than the USA in many of those regards.


In a heartbeat, if I won a small lottery (enough to pay off my student loans and make sure my parents were all set), I'd probably move to the UK or Germany. I have heard that they highly value engineers and scientists. Whether or not education, especially in the STEM fields, is valued in the USA remains to be answered...


Furthermore, with each passing year, there seems to be less and less reason to be "Proud to be an American"....

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