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Not sure what to do


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We are both a bit shy and in our mid to late 40s. I used to see him about once a week at a meeting we both go to. It took several months before we talked about going out. We met once outside the meetings and it went well. We have seen each other since at the meetings and we always spend some time talking – except the last time. He has things going on that are keeping him really busy (I know it to be true). The last time we were at the meeting at the same time he was sitting with friends I don’t know well so other than the initial greeting I did not approach him. I was sitting with a friend and a couple new guys. He never approached me either. Do you think it was because there were two men he did not know at the table? He hasn’t been to the last couple meetings, I assume because he is busy so I don’t know where I stand with him. I have thought about e-mailing about an event this week that I think would interest him but if he’s not interested anymore I am afraid it will make things awkward. But I have also considered that he might not think I am interested, so an e-mail might help. I’m starting to wonder if two shy people can actually make it work, or even get into it enough to find out! What do you think, should I e-mail him or not?

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If he hasn't been at the meetings lately then sending an e-mail will be good. Ask him how is doing, and invite him to this event. There is no harm in sending an e-mail, it shows you are interested. And can it work between two people that are shy? It sure can, things may go slower but there is nothing wrong with that.

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