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Army, the final frontier?


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My name is Trey and I'm in the army. I've been for a little over 9 years now and I'm in desperate need for something new. I graduated high school at the age of 17 and went straight into the service. Looking back I'm thinking, where did the time go? But that's beside the point. I tell you that little tidbit to say this; I'm scared out of my mind. Some people think, 'well you did 9 years, why not just do the wrest?' Anyone that has been in more than 4 years would understand that it's a new army, one that I'm not cut out for. I'm currently stationed in Germany and I really like it over here. I've had a steady girlfriend for a little over 2 years now and things are pretty good, minus my stress dealing with the Army. I've caught on pretty good with the conversational language and I get along well with the population, but I still have a major problem. I would like to go to school in Germany and finish my Bachelors in Computer Science, but Germany won't let me unless I take a test called TestDaf or DSG, or I get one of a number of certificates to prove my technical German comprehension. The post 9/11 GI Bill will cover my classes, tuition, books, and housing but I have to take a certain number of classes before they will honor it. Germany will not let me take any other classes in my degree field until I have completed one of those tests or obtained one of the certs. I could go to school at one of the schools on post, but that would require me to work a logistical supported job and I wouldn't be able to afford the commute between work and school. I really want to stay with my girlfriend but as the time winds down it seems less and less possible. Another big issue is if I stay in Germany to go to school and I end up failing I will have no choice but to leave because no language, no degree, no degree no job. On top of that the Army only gives me a certain amount of time so send my stuff back to the states. I've got my mother talking to me in one ear, my girlfriend in the other, and I still have to perform my duties in the Army. It's seriously driving me crazy. But back on the subject, I've recently signed a DCSS (Declination of Continued Service Statement) so even if I wanted to stay in the military know I couldn't. I'm looking for some sound advice, what would you do in my situation?

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I would talk to some sort of an equivalent of a career councilor what they have in the army, sounds like the problems that you are having are sort of logistical and he/she may be able to come up with something you hadn't thought of that could work for you.

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Have you looked into on-line schools? Many on-line schools have Computer Science degrees and your TA should pay for 100% of the tuition and in some cases books are included through grants from the schools because you are active duty.... then you wouldn't even have to touch your GI bill.


I agree with lukeb. Go see your base ESO it's their job to help you get your education if you truly need to take those exams to study with a German University then they might be able to help you find resources for those

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I've caught on pretty good with the conversational language


I would like to go to school in Germany and finish my Bachelors in Computer Science, but Germany won't let me unless I take a test called TestDaf or DSG, or I get one of a number of certificates to prove my technical German comprehension.

Why don't you take the language comprehension test?

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