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How to have a friendship with someone of the opposite sex


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There is this girl I was sort of into over a year ago and we went on one date, but it was clear that we just weren't compatible in the relationship sort of way. We have both been elsewhere for the better part of the last year and haven't really had any contact, with the exception of occasional staying in touch/chatting. We are now both back in the same place and although it is better that we aren't in a relationship or pursuing that, I still find her and interesting person and would like to hang out some. Anyway it is kind of a weird question but how does a guy have a platonic friendship with a girl?

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It is very hard to do when you have or have had feelings for them. You just have to be absolutely straight with yourself that ALL you want to be is friends AND thats all. Everytime I have tried to do that, this is years ago, I always end up trying to hook up with them. Then it just all turns to custard! So if you KNOW you can just be friends and don't expect anything else from the relationship then Go for it!!

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There is this girl I was sort of into over a year ago and we went on one date, but it was clear that we just weren't compatible in the relationship sort of way. We have both been elsewhere for the better part of the last year and haven't really had any contact, with the exception of occasional staying in touch/chatting. We are now both back in the same place and although it is better that we aren't in a relationship or pursuing that, I still find her and interesting person and would like to hang out some. Anyway it is kind of a weird question but how does a guy have a platonic friendship with a girl?


Well.. A good start would be reconecting in a fairly neutral setting.. Perhaps ask her tho join you an a few friends for a couple of drinks or what not.. just something casual. Just make sure you keep a leash on yourslef, so to speak. When theres old feelings there it's REALLY easy to start persuig more (or giving the impression that you are) without even noticing it yourself, be mindful of that.

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I think that some people naturally gravitate towards being a friends and some don't. I think that I would leave her alone and just be friendly (hi, goodbye) and focus on developing friendships with people you click with. "friends" is not a consolation prize if a relationship doesn't work out

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I think that some people naturally gravitate towards being a friends and some don't. I think that I would leave her alone and just be friendly (hi, goodbye) and focus on developing friendships with people you click with. "friends" is not a consolation prize if a relationship doesn't work out


I think that may be a bit harsh. If he genuinely is still intrested in a friends only relationship with her, I don't see a problem with him reaching out to her- so slong (like i said abvove) he makes sure that he doesnt start to following old feelings from before and sending the wrong message, that probly wouldn't be pleasent for anyone.

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Just to be clear although we did go on one date, afterword it was sort of an unspoken mutual agreement that a romantic relationship wouldn't work out. We are just in two totally different situations but I don't see any reason why that precludes us from being friends. We have quite a few similar interests and she is a genuinely fun person to be around

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