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Met my ex for the first time in 5 months


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There's one thing that really bothered her and she said made her fall out of love. She was invovled in a serious accident and instead of supporting her I took out my anger on her by yelling at her and I felt terrible after I did it and she won't forgive me for it.

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I would definitely play it cool. I think it's ok to initiate contact but I'd keep it simple and brief. I don't think you should be talking about the relationship unless she brings it up, and even then I wouldn't say much. Just tell her, "I'm just trying to live in the moment right now, I'm not thinking that far ahead." or words to that effect.


She misses you and has feelings for you, but you could blow this if it gets too heavy with the relationship talk. Take it slowly, no expectations. As someone else here put it, show her you've changed but don't tell her about it.

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So a quick update. We've been hanging out like once a week and it's been pretty good so far. We really haven't talked about the relationship but when we do it's all good memories and makes us both smile . We have not kissed yet and I'm proud of that because it might just make it worse. We hug each other when we leave each other.

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You are not in a relationship with her ----she broke up w/ you. You are just hanging out -- and if you push it, she will back off. Read your thread from the beginning --- I think you are just filler until she finds someone to date. Sorry to say --- if you go away, she might find that she misses you.

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