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Forum Friend Posted Hubby's Racist Joke On Blog, Do I Mention The Offense?


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A friend that I met on a forum posted a rather racially insensitive joke that her hubby made, that she found funny, on her blog. I'm torn because I have respected this poster for some time but after viewing this blog entry I have lost respect for her and her husband (who she posts on the forum about quite often). I happen to be a member of the group he targeted; I thought better of her. Should I PM her regarding her post? I don't know if she deserves a heads up since she starts off asking for forgiveness for the post but goes through with lamenting the moment he made the comment.


At this point I am assuming that she is just callous. So should I just report her blog and move on or give her a heads up?

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The post looks to have been removed now so I assume that someone else pointed out how tasteless it was. Still not sure why people find it ok to post things like that. At her age (late 20's) she ought to just know what is and isn't offensive. So, I've resolved to no longer deal with her.

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