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Very intresting last 48hrs...


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I have found older women, such as divorcees or single mothers, to be a bit more lax about the whole thing. They've been there, they've done that, and now they don't care about it anymore...


Proceed with caution. You'll have a Wonderful 4-5 months with this girl. If there's a shoe to drop, it will drop somewhere in this time. And then the other, and your life will be hell. If the shoes do drop, of course. Only time can tel.

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Lonewing... If the shoe drops. I'm gonna have to just walk away right away..


I will know. She didn't Appricate my kindess and she wasn't right for me..


I'm not wavering who I am.. my life will still go on..


It's in her hands to do right and show me the real her..

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For what it's worth, I'd be very wary of a girl like this. There's red flags all over the place from both of you and it has 'co-dependant relationship' written all over it, so definitely take it slow and steady. And without wanting to keep coming accross like an a-hole, maybe try hard to figure out why you seem to keep attracting women that have been abused and/or are playette's as dude above called them. It goes back to my original post about trying to see what you're projecting that attracts these girls. As cliche as it sounds, a lot of what we put out is what we get back. That goes for me as much as you!


Great posts in this thread dude!

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We have been hanging out everyday and night. And she still treats me and wants to be treated. In a sweet, caring, loving, affection way.. so far she is still like that..


Um, you just met her on Thursday night, so what does it mean that you're "hanging out everyday and night"? Does this mean you both didn't work on Friday to be with each other, and have been together since?


I think you live relationships like a fruit fly, 22. These uber fantasy hookups that you mistake for being something substantial that last 2-3 days. This girl isn't much different than the one from a few weeks ago that you were convinced was "the one" and how you envisioned her being the mother of your children. That didn't get past one date.


Question - do you ever just date at a normal cadence? Like, meet a girl, ask her out on a date, meet her a few days later, have a fun date, call a few days later and set up a second date? Do you ever do this?


Because you seem to live a whole relationship - start to finish, in a few days. It has to be exhausting, and I hope, starting to dawn on you that your system isn't working so well.


I still contend that you're putting qualities onto these girls they don't actually possess. The fact that you can describe someone you've known a few days as being "sweet, caring, loving, affection" is concerning. You don't know her from a hole in the wall. Nor did you the mother of your children girl, but, you seem to think both of these girls are stellar human beings.


How about getting to know someone more than a few days and THEN making a judgement on their character and values?

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Ariel85... You just don't get it do u?????


You keep rambling on about how ever u percieve the situation.. everyone doesn't think like that..


Again. I will repeat myself slowly... I'm going off of the 3 days we have spent together on what she wants and how she acts have lined up..


If u read my threads carefully and not just ramble on about whatever u think u percive.. u would of read that so far she is that person she put herself to be.. but u would also see I'm giving it time yo see if this is really her.. and I have not formed any solid conclusion on who she is or isn't...


And yes I've gone on dates and just dated around... Everything doesn't have to be so black and white...


What happened between me and her is not traditional.. we saw what we liked and we gave eachother what we needed.. that's it.. if it can go further is yet to be seen..


I take it for what it is and roll with the daily punches..


U seem to pyscho anylises everything to a place were its not really it...


I'm sorry I come of as strong.. but for someone who thinks she knows it, after explaning myself over and over u still get it or what I'm trying to explain..

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For what it's worth, I'd be very wary of a girl like this. There's red flags all over the place from both of you and it has 'co-dependant relationship' written all over it, so definitely take it slow and steady. And without wanting to keep coming accross like an a-hole, maybe try hard to figure out why you seem to keep attracting women that have been abused and/or are playette's as dude above called them. It goes back to my original post about trying to see what you're projecting that attracts these girls. As cliche as it sounds, a lot of what we put out is what we get back. That goes for me as much as you!


It is a good post.. and like I said, it has nothing to do with who I attracted. I attracted lawyers, doctors, waitress, strippers, moms whatever it may be..


All guys/ girls have issues.. its what were willing to put up with for what we get in return..


The guidlines of a perfect Rel we all talk about on ENA to follow. Doesn't exsist in the Rel world..


Like I said what are our threshold of what we will put up with for what we might get in return for it and running..

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Ariel85.. I'm sorry but 90% of ur last thread was inacurate.. I don't live my Rel in 3 days that's the farthest thing from how I'm really even doing things..


I live in the moment and enjoy my life to the fullest.. I don't waste a day on what if or can't be because certain boxes don't check off.. I live it too the fullest enjoy the moment.. and either it works out or it doesn't and I move on..


remember the girl from 3 weeks ago. U gave me the same stuff over it.. how could I possible think that of her and I'm wrong..


Well guess what me and her still talk to this day.. and she is everything I described and more.. she still tries to have me take her out, but we talk as friends all the time and it was my decesion


For 2 reasons.. distance and really bad conflicting schedule which we could see eachother once a week for 2 hrs.. ;(


But I'm a good judge of people... I don't always to the right text book thing.. but that's the beauty of it to go outside ur comfort zone.. experince new things and learn a lot about people


I live life fullest I can and don't hide behind comp.. I put myself into sitution so I gain new knowledge.. doesn't mean I'm in it for ever..


Nothing lost nothing gained...

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so what's the point of this thread? it just sounds like you're bragging? You don;t seem to care if it works out by the tone of your subsequent posts?? btw is tht u in ur avatar?


Point of this thread. Is for me and others who might be in this situtaion to either avoid it or see what its like being in it... Too relate too it..


It's a journal of dos and donts for me and others...


I just don't like being judged or words or events put towards me when I explain myself on who it is..


Bragging? About a girl with 2kids from abusive Rel... Hmmmmmm yeah I don't think so.. I see no part to any bragging going on in here..

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Actually, Ariel brings up some great points, nowhere in her post do I see her attacking your character, but you seem to think she is. I think you're glazing over her view points because these are things you don't necessarily want to hear/see. That's the point of these threads, this website, objective 3rd party perspectives. You get honest feedback, it may not be the feedback you want to receive, but it's mostly unbiased, objective, straight forward and truthful.

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Actually, Ariel brings up some great points, nowhere in her post do I see her attacking your character, I think you're glazing over her view points because these are things you don't want to hear/see. That's point of these threads, this website, objective 3rd party perspective.


Agree she brings up great points. And she knows I Appricate and respect her thoughts. And she is smart lady..


But I've explained things she is bringing up doesn't fit into my thinking of it because its not what's going on..


I don't think this girl might be sweet, caring whatever.. but its what she said she wanted and how she is.. and so far it has been.. this girl hasn't played any games.. she told it to me straight up good and some really bad things which she didn't have too and be a lot easier to not to cover it up..


I respect her for that.. a lot of people don't do that... Like I said I have no solid conclusion of the new girl bad or good.. I'm simply going of her actions which so far has lined up too her words.


Too see this will be forever.. I don't know. Time will tell.. so I take it with a grain of salt.. with every girl I see or date.. yes I have my thoughts on how they are from how they speak or represent themselves.. and till that is broken that's what it is..


I don't like to judge people on their past. But how they are now is what matters to me...

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if you're so good looking why don't you post your pic as your avatar? If yo uare worried it might mess up your game you sound like you get so many girls anyway that you can work around it ha


I hate that I have to explain this to every new person.. I don't have a real pic up because I work with goverments, very important people who pay for discretion.. its security reason pics on public avenues is a no no..


I'm not worried at all this working or not.. I've seen and gone our with many girls since the ex.. many wanted Rel but I haven't with them..


It's a trail and error for me.. reason I post these things is too share and get opnions but they seem to be one sided..


It's better for me to just to keep it too myself.. seems like I'm just wasting my time..

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