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How would you interpret this?


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Went on a great date with a girl last night. Our first date was fantastic and we talked for 3-4 hours over a couple of coffees. No uncomfortable silence or anything. We could have chatted for hours. So second date comes up, and she agrees to go out for a bite to eat. Everything started off well, complimented her that she looked great (which she did), food was fantastic (so think I made a good impression there). Whilst we started off well, in the second hour, conversation was a bit more patchy in parts and there were a couple of awkward silences. It was a wine bar/deli so there was plenty to look at. And during the moments of silence she was gazing over taking in the atmosphere. The sad part is the conversation didn't hold up as strong for as long as during the coffee date, and whilst it went reasonably well, could tell she looked a little bit bored/tired at the end. I was a bit tired as well which didn't help. Anyway, went to say goodnight and I didn't go in for the kiss but she went straight for the cheek and we both said we'd chat to each other soon. I sms'd her afterwards and said it was nice to see her again and hoped she enjoyed herself. She responded back first thing in the morning thanking me for dinner and said she really enjoyed the restaurant, and said that she hoped I enjoyed my weekend away. But that was all. I responded back a bit later and said I was glad to hear she enjoyed herself and said I'd give her a call when I got back. She didn't respond to that, which is fine. However, my gut is telling me that things didn't go as well as planned last night, but my experience tells me that just because your second date doesn't go brilliantly, there is still an opportunity to give it another go. But is there anything in her behaviour that makes you think she probably doesn't want to hear from me again? I'm going to give her a call on Monday when I get back anyhow just to see whether my hunch is correct, but trying to remain positive.

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She probably feels similar to you. It's a good idea to give her a call on Monday, like you're planning. Get a feel for her on the phone. If you think things are cool ask her out again. If she declines, then you have your answer.


Don't read too much into her not replying again via text. She may not be one of the clingy types and wanting to bother you while you're away for the weekend and you guys had only gone out twice. If she declines your offer to go out again, take it on the chin. At least you'll find out sooner than later that it's a no-go between you two.

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Sometimes, coversation can be harder on the second date than the first. Keep in mind that you talked for hours the first time round so you had set the benchmark pretty high on the conversations scale. How far apart were the dates?

People say that silence with the right person shouldn't be uncomfortable but I can only imagine that most people when they start out dating have a few of these moments. If you're anything like me, the more you try to think of something interesting to say, the harder it gets lol.


Definitely don't read into the fact that she didn't text back, your last text didn't really need a reply IMO. But do phone her when you get back from your weekend away.

If you get together again, hopefully by then, you'll have a whole heap of new stuff to natter about!

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