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How do you ignore the 'how are you doing?' text?


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Ugh, you know as hard as I tried and swore I wouldn't analyze the texts he sent yesterday I can't help but do it. And yes it's driving me crazy even though I deleted them. He said it was welcomed and nice hearing from me the other day (last time I broke NC) and that it would be great if we continued the convo at a later date (we didn't talk long.) I have myself convinced hes f'ing with my head and not to fall for it.


Anywho I gotta just let this go. I wont be with anyone who can't respect me.

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Suddenly he texts, "I was cleaning out my wallet and I found the card we had for the co-op, it made me think of you and I'm wondering how you're doing?"

It's not even a proper question. He's giving you information about himself, he's not asking you how you are. Assuming he left you, and given that you have initiated some contact in the past, I would not respond. You are not being a btch by doing that, you are respecting his desire to walk away from the relationship.


Don't think of it as a power struggle. Think of it as energy flow. Right now you need to keep all your energy for yourself to heal. If you reply, you are giving him some of your energy.

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As I expected, there has been no followup from him.

I feel pretty good about my decision to respond as I did.

As much as I would've liked to have not responded, I didn't feel it was the right thing to do. He was the one who broke up with me but he has been courteous enough to always respond to the texts I sent initially after the breakup. I just couldn't bring myself to completely ignore the guy.

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To answer the original question: how do you ignore a text from the ex. By ignoring it, completely. Do you want to respond to meaningless texts --- and by meaningless, I mean: how are you, what are you doing, did you see the movie.


Come on. They broke up with you. Are they now allowed a window into your life at THEIR convenience? At least make 'em call you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wished I never replied my breadcrumbs! It was the usual "R U ok?" My answer was only "Yes" This after 5 days after he tells me he doesn't want to see me. We've been seperated since the end of August. All was ok. Would have dinner ocassionally, etc. Got along ok, etc. Then after I asked when I would see him again. I get a "Don't know" message! Then the phone call about how he doesn't want to see me and that it would be better for him if he didn't see me! WTH?? It's killing me not saying anything. I have not heard from him since! I thought after 7 years, I would at least hear from him over Thanksgiving....but got nothing!

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The last time ex texted me was last week the day before Thanksgiving. He wished me happy Thanksgiving. I did reply and we texted for about half an hour or so ... but I do not wish to respond to any more texts from him from now on. The texts he sends are meaningless anyway.

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