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How do you ignore the 'how are you doing?' text?


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2 weeks of NC. He hasn't contacted me once since the breakup 2 months ago. He has, however, always responded to any text I sent him in the early stages after the breakup. I never told him I wanted NC, I just initiated it myself.


Suddenly he texts, "I was cleaning out my wallet and I found the card we had for the co-op, it made me think of you and I'm wondering how you're doing?"


Breadcrumbs. I feel rude ignoring such an innocent question but I also feel like I'll lose some of my power here. God I don't want to seem like a bi*ch by ignoring such an innocent question...

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This is exactly why someone breaks up with you, you should just accept it, ask any questions that can reasonably be answered, explain that once it's over it's over and there is no going back ever, that you bear no grudge and they should never contact you ever again in their lives becuase it's just more elegant that way. Then if they contact you, you firmly tell them to have some dignity and stop and that there is no future. POW!


there's your:






In your case, maybe this is the best option:


Just reply saying 'i've had time to think and i'd rather if we don't stay in contact. You're a good person, but this whole friendship thing isn't working for me and I just don't see us having any kind of future. Please never contact me again. I really wish you all the best. goodbye forever.'


Not as elegant now, but you'll still get your:






best wishes


Mr Man

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When did you last hear from him witchy?




He hasnt contacted me since the break up which was about a month ago except when he IM'd me on facebook one nite because he was supposed to come over so we could talk because I wanted to talk but things changed and we talked that nite. So I dont see that as him IM'ng me totally on his own but that was October 27th. I went to see him last Monday and that was the last day I talked to him. I shared a song with him on a music site we are a member of and commented but he hasnt replied or been on there since Saturday. He wont get on facebook,either. Hasnt since that nite he IM'd me. I feel worse the longer I go not hearing from him. When did you last hear from your ex?

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When did you last hear from your ex?



It was amonth ago, although last week he sent me back a hairdryer of mine that was at his place (no point really) with a post it note attached, nice huh? that's what our relationship came to, he couldn't even communicate with me like an adult, he's a total * * * * * * * .


loulou x

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I received my form of breadcrumbs in an unannounced visit to where she knew I was going to be. I responded hi to her hi and goodbye to her goodbye. That's it. I didn't want to see her that day and still don't. If I receive a text it will not get a response. If I receive a phone call, I will not pick it up. She would have to try a whole hell of a lot harder than that after what she pulled.

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It was amonth ago, although last week he sent me back a hairdryer of mine that was at his place (no point really) with a post it note attached, nice huh? that's what our relationship came to, he couldn't even communicate with me like an adult, he's a total * * * * * * * .


loulou x



I'm sorry. I read about that before.

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I feel for you greeneptune, I wouldn't like to receive breadcrumbs like that because i'd feel like I had to reply too! It's odd, reading this I'm almost glad my ex hasn't contacted me since we broke up 6 weeks ago. I think he's left me alone because he's too scared of seeing the consequences of his actions, e.g me being hurt.


I hope this little exchange doesn't set you back too much or make you feel too bad for too long!

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I don't feel bad at all actually.

I'm relieved that he does sometimes think of me and maybe I did mean something to him. This doesn't make me pine over him. I don't feel more strongly about wanting him back. I don't feel the urge to continue some sort of conversation.

Right now it doesn't feel like a setback. Hopefully it stays that way. Now I'm nervous I'm going to feel badly soon.

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